If you hate the heat, we’ve got some bad news for you…

If you hate the heat, we’ve got some bad news for you…
Nov 9 2021 Share

Should the world’s temperature rise by 2°C, a billion people will be affected by extreme heat. 

According to UK Meteorological Office research released during the COP26, if efforts to end the climate emergency fail and temperatures rise drastically, heat stress is set to impact around 3.5 billion people. 

Tropical countries like Brazil, Ethiopia and India are already being hit by extreme heat stress. North China is also expected to experience the deadliest future heatwaves by 2099.

Warnings of deadly heat and humidity levels have been part of scientists’ warnings throughout the years. Head of the Earth System Mitigation Science Andy Wiltshire said that any one of the climate impacts presents a scary vision for the future. 


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WATCH: Man drives car into Spinola Bay; sustains no injuries

Man ‘following Google Maps’ drives car into Spinola Bay Sea
Nov 9 2021 Share

Police were called to the scene after a vehicle slipped into the sea last night in Spinola Bay. 

The car, a Honda Accord, slid to the end of a ramp in Xatt is-Sajjieda, with footage showing a man leaving the car as it submerged beneath the surface. 

The man reportedly explained to Lovin Malta that he ended up driving into the sea because he was following Google Maps. 

The Malta Police Force’s Communications Office told Malta Daily that the driver lost control of his car and exited the vehicle on his own accord.

A tow truck called in to remove the vehicle afterwards and no injuries were sustained. Investigations are currently under way.


Prime Minister Robert Abela meets up with Russell Crowe

Prime Minister Robert Abela meets up with Russell Crowe
Nov 9 2021 Share

Posting to social media, Prime Minister Robert Abela revealed that he got the chance to meet the Internationally acclaimed Russell Crowe. 

Abela took the opportunity to praise Malta’s film industry, which he said ‘remained strong despite the pandemic’. Over 200 local industry employees are working on the film ‘Prizefighter: The Life of Jem Belcher’. 

‘We will keep working in order to keep Malta an attraction in this sector and create more working opportunities’ said the Prime Minister. 

Crowe, best known for his role in the blockbuster ‘Gladiator’ (2000), praised Malta and said the island made him remember why he fell in love with it 22 years ago. 


Photo Source: Robert Abela FB

FreeHour win Best App at Malta eBusiness Awards

FreeHour win Best App at Malta eBusiness Awards
Nov 9 2021 Share

Malta’s largest student and youth platform FreeHour have scored the title of Best App at the Malta eBusiness Awards. 

FreeHour is the app which allows students to share their timetable and find out when their friends are free on campus. They can even check stipend dates, campus maps and has even reached well over 25,000 youths across University, MCAST and 6th forms on the island. 

Founder Zach Ciappara posted to his social media stating that ‘the entire team worked super hard over the summer to develop the biggest leap in Freehour since the start of the platform, and we’re thrilled to have achieved this special award.’

Organised by Tech.mt, the eBusiness Awards is intended to promote and reward Malta’s Best Tech Companies and Solutions. Massive well done for the achievement!  
