As football club Inter spend time on the island getting ready for some exciting matches and other activities, the iconic Maltese tower cranes became an unsuspecting cameo in one of their TikTok videos.
@inter Ready for a #BestFriendChallenge? 🖤💙 #Asllani vs Bellanova: who knows more? 👊 #ForzaInter #Friend #Inter #TikTok #Challenge
As the team mates filmed a #BestFriendChallenge video for the social media platform, a crane stuck out pretty prominently in the background of the video.
Another one also wanted in on the social media limelight as it protruded onto the screen from the right hand sign.
Crane towers are, for better or for worse, an iconic sight in Malta as they highlight the various ongoing construction and infrastructural projects ongoing all over the islands.