
Hundreds of taxis left in fields as work in London dries up

Nov 22 2020 Share

With countries and industries around the world still feeling the effects of COVID-19, the pandemic has also taken its toll on the London cab industry, as hundreds of taxis are being stored in fields due to a rapid decline in demand. 

The Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association of London has estimated that only one in five taxi drivers is still actively working with the number of licensed taxis falling by 3,900 since 8th November, according to the Transport for London (TfL).

The shocking photo shows a fraction of the 220 inactive taxis being stored in Epping Forest in Essex to stop insurance payments, with a number of unwanted intruders eventually stealing up to £120,000 in parts and equipment.


Setting up Christmas trees earlier makes you happy, study finds

Nov 22 2020 Share

Like it or not, the festival season is just around the corner. Some of you may have set up your Christmas decorations already, and you’ll be happy to know that a scientist found that early decorating can actually make you happier. 

In an interview with Today, psychologist Deborah Serani states that decorating the house constitutes a shift in hormones and makes one happier. She went on to say that any shift in habituation singles the senses and something like Christmas decorating will spike dopamine release, a feel-good hormone.

Did you put up your Christmas decorations yet?


Malta bids farewell to Oliver Friggieri

Nov 22 2020 Share

Last Saturday was a heartbreaking one for Maltese literature, as people across the country bid farewell to a pillar of Maltese literature, Oliver Friggieri, who died at his home aged 73. 

Tributes to Friggieri poured in from the likes of President George Vella, Archbishop Charles Scicluna, Author Immanuel Mifsud and many others, having nothing but beautiful words for the legendary Maltese academic.

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Whether you are a student, a teacher or simply a lover of the Maltese language, the influence of Oliver Friggieri is unmistakeable and Malta has lost a great soul.


Malta’s Got Talent Semi-Finals taking place tonight

Nov 22 2020 Share

Malta’s Got Talent has been a rollercoaster of emotions so far, with big stage shows, last minute replacements and huge virtual audience. 

Tonight’s semi-final is set to be chock-full of surprises, with all of the semi-finalists being announced last week, with Izzy to replace Yada ‘N’ Heels in a controversial move for MGT.

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Malta’s Got Talent will air tonight on TVM at 20:50, who are you rooting for?

THE STAGE IS WAITING! 🙌TONIGHT at 20:50 on Television Malta !Watch us 👀.#MaltasGotTalent

Posted by Malta’s Got Talent on Saturday, November 21, 2020
