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Huge Sony deal for local musician Luke Chappell

Huge Sony deal for local musician Luke Chappell
Aug 24 2021 Share

After local artist Luke Chappell posted a TikTok video of himself singing Hold On, a record deal was sent to him shortly after his huge success with his other single Lonely Again. The singer revealed that he is immensely blessed to have arrived to such a place through his art and music, despite having gone through some difficult moments. He opened up in a statement revealing how the only way for him to deal with emotions properly is by writing them in a journal and then turning them into lyrics. 

Chappell’s headline hits came following his X-Factor debut, but he is now moving out of the competitions’ shadow to become something completely new. Thanks to his talent management Paul Leger, the deal with Sony was struck, opening up more doors for Chappell to test his artistic capabilities. As this goes on, he is also set to release more music as he works with Insynk Collective Studios. Depending on agreements with Sony, he is also set to drop a massive project later on this year. 


Photo Source: @lukechappellofficial IG

Don’t scapegoat English language schools about Delta variant says FELTOM

Don’t scapegoat English language schools about Delta variant says FELTOM
Aug 24 2021 Share

The Federation of English language schools has slammed allegedly unsubstantiated and harmful claims that unvaccinated foreign students were responsible for spreading the Delta variant in Malta. FELTOM reacted to a Times of Malta interview in which Tanya Mellilo, who is the head of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit, stated that unvaccinated foreign students brought the Delta variant to our shores. 

FELTOM objected to the statement, highlighting the fact that similar discrediting blanket statements have led to ‘discriminatory damaging actions against the industry and those whose livelihood depends on it.’ The federation pointed to Malta’s case spike after July 9th 2021 as showing that there was no way to determine who actually spread the Delta variant. 

FELTOM called for this ‘scapegoating’ of English language students and those in the industry to stop, stating that the virus does not discriminate between nationalities and one must bear in mind that both locals and foreigners travelled during the period of time mentioned above. 


Photo Source: maltapass.com.mt, FeltomFB

Maltese marathon runner breaks national record in Berlin

Aug 24 2021 Share

Maltese marathon runner Dillon Cassar has recently broken Malta’s national time record in Berlin. Dillon is currently registered with Mellieħa Athletic Club. He finished the race in 20th position – a position which he earned in the last few kilometres of the race where his endurance proved better than that of others.



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Dillon finished the 21km race in one hour, six minutes and forty five seconds. He broke Charlton Debono’s record by fifty nine seconds. Cassar finished the race 8 minutes after Kenyan winner Paul Kipkoech.

A big well done goes to Dillon Cassar who made our country proud!


Malta fully vaccinates 90% of people aged over age 12

Malta fully vaccinates 90% of people aged over age 12
Aug 24 2021 Share

Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne announced today during a press conference that Malta has fully vaccinated 90% of those aged 12 and over against COVID-19. Malta has administered 792,173 doses as of yesterday 23rd August 2021, with Fearne urging those who are able to get their jab and have not yet to do so. He revealed the news during the launch of a health clinic in Kalkara, adding that 90% of those who contracted COVID-19 and were in critical condition were not vaccinated. 

The walk-in clinics have vaccinated 60,000 people in total, with 320,000 vaccine certificates having been downloaded so far. As the Delta variant ravages the world, Fearne highlighted Malta’s strong vaccination programme as only 37 people are currently recovering from the virus at Mater Dei, with two of these in the ITU. The news also comes with some more updates to health measures will be detailed in the coming days. 


Photo Source: Reuters, Chris Fearne FB

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