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How I Met Your Mother sequel series starring Hillary Duff confirmed

How I Met Your Mother sequel series starring Hillary Duff confirmed
Apr 22 2021 Share

Fans of How I Met Your Mother rejoice as a new sequel series has been confirmed. And as if that wasn’t enough, the series will be starring Hillary Duff, who will play Sophie. In classic HIMYM style, Sophie will narrate the story of how she met her husband to her son throughout the year 2021 as they navigate the world of dating apps and relationships. The series will be appropriately  titled ‘How I Met Your Father.’


Duff commented, saying: ‘I’ve been incredibly lucky in my career to play some wonderful characters and I’m looking forward to taking on the role of Sophie. Whether the sequel will tie in to the original show is unclear. The original show however remains to be one of the most beloved sitcoms ever aired, and Duff stated she is immensely honoured, and a little nervous, to have been chosen to continue the series’ legacy.




Featured Photo: Cosmopolitan, Medium, DenofGeek, Billboard

Green Deal Malta launches its new platform

Green Deal Malta launches its new platform
Apr 22 2021 Share

Green Deal Malta is a neutral, collaborative platform which is building towards a sustainable Malta based on the EU Green Deal. Their website has just launched and is boasting some immensely knowledgeable experts to help facilitate in the movement. Joining in the effort are Minister Miriam Dalli, MEP Roberta Metsola, Professor Simone Borg and the European Commission.

Along with Green Deal Malta’s team they will be discussing projects, practices and more sustainable approaches to transition to a more clean, circular economy and revitalising biodiversity Europe by 2050. The organisation is urging all those who have prospects and ideas to get in touch with them so as to broaden their horizons and make the green, ecology focused vision they have in mind a reality.


Featured Photos: Green Deal Malta FB, greendealmalta IG

Only 3% of Earth’s habitats left undisturbed

Only 3% of Earth’s habitats left undisturbed
Apr 22 2021 Share

A shocking study published in Frontiers in Forest and Global Change has revealed that only 3% of planet Earth has remained untouched from expansion of humans over the globe. The ecologically intact portions of the Earth are limited to a small percent, with field work indicating that there are species that been lost from these areas of intact habitat as well. A significant toll concerns the larger species of both herbivores and carnivores.

The loss of biodiversity is attributed to various factors such as hunting, invasive species, disease and of course deforestation. Research indicates that there are five remaining ecosystems intact: Congo; Tanzania; the Amazon rainforest; Siberia; and southern Chile. This could be combatted by introducing species back into environments, which would help the area improve by 20%. But with carbon emissions set to increase in 2021, one wonders whether humanity is learning its lessons.


Featured Photos: National Geographic, Tharmaplan Tilaxan

iPads, iMacs & AirTags unveiled in Apple’s 2021 Spring Event

Apr 21 2021 Share

Apple’s Spring Event happened yesterday evening and in typical Apple fashion, a number of ground-breaking new products were dropped, along with some highly-anticipated tech updates.

Accompanied by a number of staple blockbuster ads, Apple announced two new iPad Pro models with increased battery life and 5G options, along with an improved camera while also announcing a fresh line-up of iMacs in many different colours.

What really blew our minds was the unveiling of the Apple AirTags which are small, customisable tags which allow you to track your stuff through the “Find My” app on your phone, making lost wallets and keys of the past, and they cost around €30.


Photo Source: CNET