Following the letting go of former headmaster Mario Mallia from St Albert the Great College, it was revealed by close reliable sources from within the school that Rector Aaron Zahra has reportedly appointed educator Horace Gauci as the new headmaster.
Sources also confirmed that the new head master is allegedly presently at school and has started work. Our sources also informed us that there don’t seem to be any plans to make Horace official headmaster anytime soon to avoid media turmoil. MaltaDaily is also informed that all staff, MUT, Ministry of Education, DQSE and Secretariat for Catholic Eduction are all aware of Gauci being the new headmaster as this was discussed earlier today in a meeting between the staff and the aforementioned authorities.
This comes after the Malta Union of Teachers releases a statement expressing distrust at rector and board of the college choosing the new personnel for the school.
The rector and board cancelled a meeting last minute with the MUT and its lawyers as they attempted to find a way forward as the school reopens in a few days. However, following the meeting cancellation, the MUT stated that it is willing to support the Dominican Order on condition of the rector and board resigning or being removed from office.
Meanwhile, the situation at the college remains critical as empty promises are reportedly being made to educators and no preparations for the new scholastic year are being made.
More information as this story progresses.