![Ħondoq Protection Plan & Gozo Strategy Announced](https://maltadaily.mt/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/gozowe.png)
The Prime Minister announced that the Cabinet has sanctioned a plan to revise Gozo’s local plan, aimed at safeguarding Ħondoq ir-Rummien from speculative activities.
This decision was unveiled on Tuesday alongside another document named the Gozo Regional Development Strategy, outlining the government’s vision for the next decade in Gozo.
The Prime Minister emphasized the comprehensive consultation process with Gozitan society, NGOs, and other stakeholders that contributed to the strategy’s creation, even though it hasn’t been publicly disclosed yet.
The Prime Minister stressed the importance of fostering quality employment opportunities in Gozo for its residents, building upon the achievements of recent years.
The envisioned Gozo is one marked by open spaces, environmental consciousness, robust connectivity, and abundant prospects. This move to safeguard Ħondoq ir-Rummien follows a prior commitment to amend planning laws to prevent its development, as reinforced by a recent Appeals Court ruling that upheld the rejection of a development proposal for a port, hotel, yacht marina, and tourist village in Ħondoq Bay.
The decision underscores the conclusion of a two-decade-long dispute, with the rejection of developers’ appeals to proceed with extensive construction plans in the bay. The landowners, Gozo Prestige Hotels, had intended to develop a significant area including a hotel, residential units, and various facilities on the 103,000 square meter site.