According to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), as released by the National Statistics Office for January 2023, the highest annual inflation rates were registered for food, non-alcoholic beverages, clothing and footwear.
In January 2023, the annual rate of inflation as measured by the HICP was 6.8%, down from the 7.3% as registered in December of 2022.
With a 12-month moving average rate for January standing at 6.3%, the largest upward impact on annual inflation was measured in the food and non-alcoholic beverages index at 11.7%.
Meanwhile, clothing and footwear also experienced some high inflation rates in the first month of 2023 at 9.5%.
On the other hand, the lowest annual inflation rates were registered in Communication (1.3%), Alcoholic beverages and tobacco (2.4%).
As per other sectors, the recreational and culture division registered a 6.3% rate, health 4.0%, restaurants and hotels a 5.7% rate and housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels at 9.1%
The HICP measures monthly price changes in the cost of purchasing a representative basket of consumer goods and services and is calculated according to specified EU regulations.