Here’s how you can win prizes by helping save the planet

Here's how you can win prizes by helping save the planet
Nov 12 2021 Share

The European Week for Waste Reduction is back.

Held between 20 and 28 November, this week-long event invites schools, public administrations, companies, NGOs and European citizens to come forward with initiatives and projects which aim to reduce, reuse and recycle waste while also raising awareness about better waste management.

This yearly initiative brings together different stakeholders to promote awareness on sustainable resources and waste management across the continent.

This year’s theme ‘Circular Communities’ calls for participants to come up with actions to reduce, reuse and recycle waste with the mantra that collective efforts lead to better results. This is why the EWWR is encouraging communities to roll up their sleeves and work together towards one common goal: waste prevention.

Be part of this European initiative and register here by 15 November. Participation is open to private companies, public entities, associations, NGOs, schools and individuals.

Those that take part in the European Week for Waste Reduction will then have the opportunity to participate in the Malta Waste Reduction Awards, where the best actions that took place in Malta will be awarded.

Prospective applicants may view the rules of participation online.

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This is what the Pink October – Movember ’21 Campaign is all about

Nov 12 2021 Share

Since 2014, The Marigold Foundation has been offering valuable support to thousands across the Maltese islands through awareness campaigns, fundraising efforts and on-the-ground successes and this year is no different.

Spearheaded by The Marigold Foundation, the Pnk Oct_Mov ’21 Campaign stretches over 2 months and urges individuals to rise against their fear of getting checked for cancer and openly address these common health problems. The campaign aims to educate the public on the need to self check, regularly screening so as to facilitate early diagnosis.  Whilst promoting better overall healthy attitudes and wellness, it maximises therapeutic opportunities and health education.  Pnk Oct_Mov supports patients battling a cancer challenge and also champions other NGOs that support patients, develop ideas and new approaches.  The Campaign also funds ongoing research at the University of Malta.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women all over the world, with around 300 women in Malta diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Healthy lifestyle choices such as balanced nutritious diets, regular physical activity and avoiding alcohol and tobacco are recommended to lower the risk of developing breast cancer. Being aware of what to feel and look for as well as reporting any changes to medical professionals is recommended. Signs can include lumps or hard knots, dimples, areas of thickened skin and nipple discharge.

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer often causes symptoms that are similar to other more common and less serious conditions. This can make it difficult to diagnose early. Symptoms include long-lasting bloated or swollen tummy, loss of appetite, feeling full quickly, pain in the lower tummy area or back and passing urine more often and urgently than usual. Other symptoms include changes in bowel habits, dramatic weight changes and unexplained or extreme tiredness (fatigue). Regular gynae reviews and medical advice are recommended if symptoms persist.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a form of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix. Symptoms include heavier periods than usual, vaginal bleeding between periods, vaginal bleeding after sex, vaginal bleeding after the menopause as well as smelly vaginal discharge, urine infections that keep coming back and pain in the lower tummy or back. Yearly smear tests for older adults and regular smears for young ladies are recommended. Young teenagers should take up the free cervical cancer vaccine too!

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men with about 210 being diagnosed per year. The chances of developing prostate cancer increase with age and not everyone experiences symptoms. If one has a family history, is aged over 50, is a heavy smoker or experiences a sudden worsening in passing urine, a prostate check is highly recommended. One should note that most symptoms men experience with the urine stream are NOT due to prostate cancer but due to a normal process of prostate growth.

Testicular Cancer

Cancer of the testes usually affects men between 15 and 49 years. At the same time each month, check for any change in the normal look or feel of your testicles and look for swelling or lumps, change in weight, shape or size and feelings of pain. One can check by having a warm shower, rolling out and checking for lumps.


For more information about this campaign you may visit their Facebook or Instagram or donate:


About The Marigold Foundation

Launched in 2014 and supported by the Bank of Valletta (BOV), The Marigold Foundation offers valuable support wherever it is needed. It is both voluntary and non-profit making.

The Marigold Foundation works with other NGOs to raise awareness about issues and causes in our community.  For more information about their work and to support the causes you may visit their Facebook or Instagram or donate:

51702052 – €15
51802053 – €25

50619238 – €11.65


BOV Mobile Pay
99912373 – up to €500

Payable by cheque

58, Zachary Street
Valletta, Malta


Here are the World’s top 5 spots for 2022 according to Lonely Planet

Here are the World’s top 5 spots for 2022 according to Lonely Planet
Nov 12 2021 Share

The Lonely Planet, has highlighted the top 10 destinations for next year. Following a year of pandemic panic, travel seems to be kicking off for some, so here’s some ideas for your wander lust satisfaction…

In fifth place on this list is Slovenia. The Eastern Europe destination is often lost in the long list of picks, but Lonely Planet is highlight this majestic location. 

Thanks to its small size, visitors can cover a wide range of terrain in an immensely short amount of time, getting a perfect taste of this oft forgotten gem. 

With Lake Bled and capital of Ljubljana offering stunning views, Michelin Guide too handed out stars to seven restaurants in Slovenia. 

Belize is the fourth on the list, where travellers can visit Mayan ruins, swim in shining blue waters and meet stunning wildlife. 

It’s UNESCO World Heritage-listed Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System is insane, and that’s just to top it all off!

One more thing – the national language is English. So you won’t have much to worry about.

700 miles east of Madagascar is island paradise Mauritius. It’s Lonely Planet’s third pick, and its covered in golf courses, water sports, mountain-trekking, birdwatching, botanical gardens, nightlife, four star hotels and even a multi-racial peaceful people. 

It’s gorgeous paradise in the Indian Ocean – you wouldn’t want to skip this one!

Norway is an obvious choice for second place – constantly being included in lists of the world’s happiest people. 

Their secret is apparently being out in nature – and you’ll have plenty of places to do this in Norway! 

Here’s a tip – head to Bøkeskogen. It’s the world’s northernmost beech forest, just two hours from the capital of Oslo. We’ll let you discover what’s in store. 

And for first place… Cook Islands. The group of 15 islands in the South Pacific was at the top of many lonely Planet staffer’s wish lists for 2022 and beyond. 

Boasting water-centric activities, it even allows visitors to delve deep into the native Maori community in the Te Vara Nui Village. 

It’s an absolute heaven on Earth, and the perfect getaway post COVID-19. 


Here’s what the $600M world’s biggest yacht will look like inside

Here’s what the $600M world’s biggest yacht will look like inside
Nov 12 2021 Share

Set to be one of the largest private residence yachts, what does a luxury apartment aboard the 728 foot Somnio look like as it launches in 2024? 

Interior renderings have just been unveiled, offering a glimpse of what the $600 million vessel could offer. It is being described as the world’s first “yacht liner”. 

With all 39 floating apartments coming with a private balcony or terrace and fully customisable, some of its options include huge shell-shaped beds, wall-length mirrors and expansive living areas with an ocean view. 

Prices kick off from around $11 million, with sizes ranging from 1,600 to 6,500 square feet. With the largest condo taking up most of the top deck, the yacht was designed by Swedish Winch Design and Tillberg Design.


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Somnio means to dream in Latin, and it has everything from a gym, a library and outside dining spaces. There are also “distinct” dressing areas and a “vast living room space with 270-degree forward views”. 

Captain Erik Bredhe said that “as the only residential super yacht in the world, we are delighted to work with designers that complement our exacting standards.’ 

With sustainability a key focus, a 10,000-bottle capacity wine cellar, tasting rooms, “our owners will experience only the best, as is befitting of a yacht of this nature.” 
