Have you ever wondered whether you’re spending way too little or too much time in the toilet for a number 2?
Well, the latest findings from the Zoe The Big IF study might just answer that question as they dive into the data and the science to tell us what the healthy amount could be.

According to Dr Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology, polls revealed that 55% of people relieve themselves once a day.
Meanwhile, 32.4% go twice a day whereas 10% head to the toilet up to three times a day. So who has the correct amount down?
Well, there’s enough breathing room, says the doctor, as anything from three times a day to three times a week is considered normal.
However, some participants claimed to be going to the toilet five times a day whereas others noted they only went once a week. All of this is impacted by hydration, diet, exercise and even stress levels.
Gut transit time also plays a huge role, which is the time it takes for food to be digested. The average gut transit time in the UK is around 28 hours.