Here’s how many times you should go for a No. 2 according to expert

Here’s how many times you should go for a No. 2 according to expert
Dec 16 2022 Share

Have you ever wondered whether you’re spending way too little or too much time in the toilet for a number 2? 

Well, the latest findings from the Zoe The Big IF study might just answer that question as they dive into the data and the science to tell us what the healthy amount could be. 

According to Dr Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology, polls revealed that 55% of people relieve themselves once a day. 

Meanwhile, 32.4% go twice a day whereas 10% head to the toilet up to three times a day. So who has the correct amount down? 

Well, there’s enough breathing room, says the doctor, as anything from three times a day to three times a week is considered normal. 

However, some participants claimed to be going to the toilet five times a day whereas others noted they only went once a week. All of this is impacted by hydration, diet, exercise and even stress levels. 

Gut transit time also plays a huge role, which is the time it takes for food to be digested. The average gut transit time in the UK is around 28 hours. 

Jason Micallef could oversee Ta’ Qali park in new role

Jason Micallef could oversee Ta’ Qali park in new role
Dec 16 2022 Share

It was revealed by sources to Times of Malta that former One chairman Jason Micallef could take on a new role which could see him run a unit set up to oversee Ta’ Qali National park. 

This comes, the sources claimed, as Micallef exits the Labour Party’s media wing, taking on a new post which has only been created. 

The Malta Government Gazette saw a legal notice amending the Public Administration Act and included the post as head of unit at the national park. Micallef himself has pushed governmental efforts to regenerate the park since 2019. 

The functions of this new role will be largely administrate in nature and will include recommending to the responsible minister a policy and rules for the use of the park. 

Micallef would be in charge of drawing up a strategy for park management, general management, health and safety protocols being institutionalised and creating publicly accessible emergency safety procedures. 

Times of Malta said that Micallef could not confirm nor deny that he would be taking up the post and that the official announcement will be made by the ministry in charge, which is that of public works. 


Internet loses it as Donald Trump launches NFT cards about himself

Internet loses it as Donald Trump launches NFT cards about himself
Dec 16 2022 Share

Former US President Donald J. Trump has unveiled $99 trading cards featuring himself, which can be purchased as Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs). 

The cards see the former president, now re-running for the 2024 US election, donning various guises – ranging from a superhero to an astronaut to even a Nascar diver. 


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Mr Trump said: “These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career!”

Following his major major announcement to run for the White House, he triggered speculation this week after saying that he would make a major announcement. Some thought he would announce a running mate for the campaign.

Instead, Trump posted a promotional video on his social media platform Truth Social which features him ripping open his shirt in New York to reveal a superhero costume. 

He added how the NFTs would make a great Christmas gift as they would be more exciting than the ever popular baseball cards. The “one-of-a-kind” assets in the digital world can be bought and sold like any other piece of property, but have no tangible form of their own.

In response, current president Joe Biden took to Twitter to mock the ‘major announcement’, pointing out his his announcements reveal that inflation is easing, gas prices are lower than a year ago and how he signed the Respect for Marriage Act. 


A 5.1% increase in employed workers, survey reveals

A 5.1% increase in employed workers, survey reveals
Dec 16 2022 Share

A recent report by the National Statistics Office reveals that during the third quarter of 2022, the Labour Force Survey found that the total number of persons in employment increased by 5.1%.

This translates to around 284,571 persons in employment. This accounts for 62.8% of the population aged 15 and over.

Meanwhile, unemployed persons stood at 8,566, or 1.9%, whereas those inactive soon at 160,078 (35.3%). The activity rate for the same quarter was estimated to be around 79.9%. 

The highest rate was recorded among persons aged 25 to 54 (89.7%). The survey also reports how, on average, 78 out of every 100 persons between the ages of 15 and 64 were employed. 

Male employment rate for this bracket was registered at 83.4%, whereas the female rate stood at 70.8%. The largest share of employed persons was recorded among persons between the ages of 25 and 34. 

Self-employed persons accounted for 15% of all persons with a main job, with the majority of employed persons working on a full time basis amounting to 250,031. 

Meanwhile, a further 34,540 persons had a part-time job as their primary employment. The results show that, on average, full timers worked 40.9 hours whereas part timers worked 23.0 hours per week.

During the 3rd quarter of 2022, employed persons worked 32.4 hours per week, which is 1.1 hours less when compared to the previous year. 

When it comes to salary, the average monthly basic income of employees for the third quarter of 2022 was estimated to be at €1,763. The highest basic salary was recorded in the Financial and Insurance Activities sector. The average monthly salaries varied from €1,155 among those employed in elementary occupations to €2,753 among managers. 

More than 40% of persons ged 15 and over had attained a low level of education. By comparison, 33% of the employed had a tertiary level of education. 

The unemployment rate for the third quarter of 2022 stood at 2.9%. Females accounted for 58.7% of total inactive persons, and those over 65 years made up the highest share of the inactive. 
