
Here are some historically creative Easter advertisement campaigns!

Here are some historically creative Easter advertisement campaigns!
Apr 9 2023 Share

Easter is a time of celebration and reflection, and for many brands, it’s an opportunity to showcase their products and services through advertising campaigns.

Over the years, there have been many historic Easter adverts that have captured the spirit of the season and provided a glimpse into the past.

Whether it was IKEA’s ‘Do-it-yourself’ Easter Bunny campaign or Durex’s sexually educational Easter X campaign, these brands went full force into promoting their respective products during this celebratory time of year.

Or what about Deliveroo’s celebration of Easter and the final season of Game of Thrones with ‘chocolate Dragon eggs?’ And then there was Carlsberg, who built a fully functional beer bar made entirely out of chocolate!

With more time on their hands due to the holidays, people’s eyes would turn much easier towards what they deem is their money’s worth. And what better way to do so than by celebrating alongside your customers with a twist of your own!

These are some of our favourites.


Here are some Easter celebration foods from around the world!

Here are some Easter celebration foods from around the world!
Apr 9 2023 Share

These are just a few of the many Easter Sunday culinary traditions from around the world. Have you ever tried any of them? 🌎

Oh, and Happy Easter! 🐣

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Greece – In Greece, Easter Sunday is celebrated with a special dish called ‘magiritsa’, a soup made from lamb offal, onions, and lettuce. It is traditionally eaten after midnight on Easter Sunday.

Poland – In Poland, Easter Sunday is celebrated with a special breakfast that includes eggs, sausage, and a sweet bread called ‘babka’. The Easter table is also decorated with colourful eggs and a butter lamb.

Mexico – In Mexico, Easter Sunday is celebrated with a special dish called ‘bacalao’, a dish made from salted cod, tomatoes, and onions. It is traditionally eaten on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Bulgaria – In Bulgaria, Easter Sunday is celebrated with a special bread called ‘kozunak’, a sweet bread made with raisins and topped with almonds or sugar. It is traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday.

Brazil – In Brazil, Easter Sunday is celebrated with a traditional dish called ‘paçoca de amendoim’, a peanut candy that is eaten during Easter. It is traditionally made by families and shared with neighbours and friends.


Happy Easter! Here’s how Malta celebrates

Apr 9 2023 Share

Easter Sunday is one of the most important religious holidays in Malta, as it harkens back to one of the most central teachings in the island’s largely Catholic religious culture.


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Most Maltese people celebrate Easter with great devotion, traditional customs, and a rich cultural heritage. And of course, the eating of lots of figolli!


Panicked horse dies after running into a bus outside Valletta

Panicked horse dies after running into a bus outside Valletta
Apr 8 2023 Share

A horse has unfortunately died after it allegedly ran in a panic into the side of a bus outside of Valletta.

One News reported that the incident took place at around 1500hrs in Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir, Floriana. 

The newsroom confirmed via a police officer that preliminary investigations that the horse escaped whilst still tied to a carriage. No passengers were onboard at the time and no one was hurt. 

However, a 38-year-old Philippine woman resident of Birkirkara was taken to Mater Dei due to suffering shock at the sight. 

Investigations are ongoing. 


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