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Help Needed for Injured Kitten Rescued from Car Engine

Help Needed for Injured Kitten Rescued from Car Engine
Jul 6 2024 Share
In a recent heartfelt request, a member of the local animal awareness group ‘RUBS PUPPY LOVE’ has reached out for help in raising funds for a kitten named Ash.
Last week, Ash was rescued from a car engine, sustaining a serious injury that resulted in a fracture in his distal end femur. His surgery is scheduled for Monday at Happy Paws, but financial support is urgently needed to cover the costs.

The rescue team has already incurred expenses for X-rays, sedation, and defleaing, as evidenced by the first receipt shared with the community. Despite these initial costs, the issue now is to fund Ash’s surgery to ensure he receives the necessary treatment for a full recovery.

In their message, the rescuer expressed immense gratitude for any contributions, emphasising the impact each donation would have on Ash’s journey to health. Once Ash recovers, he will also be seeking a forever home, promising a loving addition to a kind-hearted family.

Contributions can be made via BOV & Revolut at +356 79472222.

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Endangered Seal Species Spotted in Maltese Shores

Endangered Seal Species Spotted in Maltese Shores
Jul 6 2024 Share

The Mediterranean monk seal, known locally as ‘bumerin’ or ‘monka,’ has been spotted on Maltese shores for the first time since 1974. The sighting was confirmed by local marine biologist Alan Deidun, who shared the news on Facebook.


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The Mediterranean monk seal is critically endangered, with a population of fewer than 1,000 individuals, primarily found in Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey. These seals face numerous threats, including collisions with seacraft, persecution, light pollution, and human intrusion into their breeding habitats, such as semi-submerged caves.

The marine biologist’s post highlights the importance of such a rare sighting in Maltese waters, describing it as a “welcome return”. The reappearance of the bumerin on the Maltese coast brings hope for conservation efforts.

Deidun thanked Andrew Galea and Mario Muscat for the photo and footage.


Historic Dar Saura to Become Hub for Disabled Youth.

Historic Dar Saura to Become Hub for Disabled Youth.
Jul 5 2024 Share

The Archdiocese of Malta has granted the historic Dar Saura property in Rabat to the Malta Trust Foundation for 65 years. Valued at €25 million, this 17th century home will be converted into an ’empowerment hub’ for children and young people with disabilities.

Previously a home for the elderly, Dar Saura will now host Malta’s first Centre for Music and Arts, Villabianca, to accommodate its growing waiting list. Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna and Malta Trust Foundation chair Marie Louise-Coleiro Preca formalised this significant donation, emphasising the property’s new role in social welfare.

“The best use of church property is for social purposes, especially supporting those in need”, said Archbishop Scicluna. The property will undergo a €10 million restoration, funded by EU and public resources, to preserve its Class A status and accommodate various activities, including rehabilitating the St Nicholas chapel.

Marie Louise described the agreement as a historic moment, and envisioned the hub as a place where kids with disabilities might flourish and reach their full potential. With rehabilitative dance, music, and art programmes, the Ta’ Saura Empowerment Hub will serve up to 500 children and young adults when it opens in two years.

In addition, the site will have a multipurpose training hall, a social enterprise, a multisensory area, a petting farm, and an occupational therapy centre. Workshop spaces and also studio apartments for foreign therapists are also proposed.

This donation coincides with the Archdiocese’s 2019 transfer of the Adelaide Cini Institute to the Hospice Malta, signifying yet another important way that NGOs are helping to improve real lives.


‘Saving Our Blue’ Campaign Launches to Tackle Single Use Plastic

'Saving Our Blue' Campaign Launches to Tackle Single Use Plastic
Jul 5 2024 Share

Minister Miriam Dalli and children from an EkoSkola event at Xrobb l-Għaġin  launched the  sixth annual ‘Saving Our Blue ‘ campaign. this initiative aims to raise awareness about littering, promote waste reduction, and encourage sustainable alternative to single-use plastics.

EkoSkola students and media members visited the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, where rescued marine animals, often harmed by plastic ingestion, receive care. Minister Dalli highlighted the importance of community participation in achieving significant strides in waste management and environmental protection.

Vince Attard, President of Nature Trust Malta, emphasised the interconnected nature of these initiatives; “While ‘Saving Our Blue’ raises awareness about marine pollution, the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre provides essential care for injured wildlife, including sea turtles affected by plastic waste.”

A new feature of this year’s campaign is a mobile unit equipped with VR glasses to enhance public engagement. Participants also explored the scenic Xrobb l-Għaġin, now a Special Area of Conservation, and  met Maggie the sea turtle mascot, named after a rescued turtle injured by sea debris in 2019.
