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Harry potter star Tom Felton addresses Emma Watson romance rumours

Harry potter star Tom Felton addresses Emma Watson romance rumours
Jun 5 2021 Share

Harry Potter star Tom Felton has addressed the rumours going around that he and fellow series star Emma Watson had an ongoing romance during filming.

Co-star and Ron Weasley actor Rupert Grint had previously stated that there was ‘always something’ between the two and when asked about it in an Entertainment Tonight interview, Felton laughed and stated that ‘silence will speak volumes’.

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While not exactly a direct answer, Felton’s response may have gotten the Potterverse dreaming, with Felton going on to state that they are ‘something’ and that he adores her.


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Olympic champion shouts out local athlete Claire Azzopardi after impressive video

Olympic champion shouts out local athlete Claire Azzopardi after impressive video
Jun 5 2021 Share

After posting a video of an impressive hurdle routine on her social media local athlete Claire Azzopardi got the shout-out of a lifetime from Australian athlete Sally Pearson.

Pearson is a 2011 and 2017 world champion and a 2012 olympic champion in the 100 metres hurdle and congratulated the young athlete on her performance, to thousands of likes and comments of praise.

Pearson captioned the video ‘No time for excuses’ going on to appeal to Azzopardi to stay hungry after such a showing of athletic excellence.


Roberta Metsola urges everyone to support local on World Environment Day

Jun 5 2021 Share

Maltese MP and Vice-President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola took to social media to remind her followers to support farmers on World Environment Day.


The MEP also highlighted the fact that these farmers ‘care for the land that feeds us’ and ‘face down speculators and land-grabbing authorities’.

If there ever as a time to support local it is now and what better way to celebrate the individuals who toil day and night in their farms and crops than by purchasing the fruits (and vegetables!) of their labor.


Calls for incentives for front-liners after English student vouchers announced

Calls for incentives for front-liners after English student vouchers announced
Jun 5 2021 Share

On Friday, Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection Clayton Bartolo along with Economy Minister Silvio Schembri announced that €1 million will be invested in vouchers for English language students in Malta.

While welcomed by some, others have called out the government on such a matter, calling for further incentives for local front-liners who have been working tirelessly without any form of bonus or incentive.

It was announced that English language students will receive €10 in vouchers for every night they spend on Maltese shores based on a minimum of 15 nights, where those who spend up to 30 nights will receive €300 worth of vouchers.
