
‘Green Your Building’ project extended by a month

‘Green Your Building’ project extended by a month
Apr 4 2021 Share

Malta’s Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia took to Facebook to urge families and those who wish to partake in business to join in the Green Your Building project in order to increase greenery on our island. The Green Your Building scheme covers all the expenses required for homeowners who have installed vertical gardens on facades or walls of their residences and any repairs to front gardens.

Inħeġġeġ lill-familji u dawk li għandhom negozju, biex ikunu parti minn dan il-proġett nazzjonali li permezz tiegħu li…

Posted by Aaron Farrugia on Saturday, 3 April 2021

The application for the scheme has been extended by one month to 7th May. 90 applications have been received so far, as the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning told TVM. It also consists of a requested expenditure of nearly €750,000.

Space Jam: A New Legacy drops its first trailer

Space Jam: A New Legacy drops its first trailer
Apr 4 2021 Share

After many years of anticipation since the first instalment of Space Jam in 1996, fans are finally being treated to the first trailer for the second film. Titled Space Jam: A New Legacy, the film stars LeBron James alongside the infamous Looney Tunes cast and is set to release on July 16th in theatres, followed by an HBO Max streaming 31 days later.

James has previously described the movie as being of the biggest games, if not the biggest, he has ever played as he continues Michael Jordan’s legacy from the first film. The second movie will not only see changes in terms of cast, but also to its approaches to several characters, most notably Lola Bunny. Are you excited for the new Space Jam?


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Conor McGregor accepts third match against Dustin Poirier on July 10th

Conor McGregor accepts third match against Dustin Poirier on July 10th
Apr 4 2021 Share

Dustin Poirier has locked a fight against the famous Conor McGregor, with the latter confirming that the fight will be happening on July 10th at UFC 264. This will be the third time the two fighters have met each other in the ring. McGregor has accepted the challenge, issuing a warning to his rival and preparing the world to see what ‘the Mac’ is all about.

McGregor was beaten in the second match against Poirier due to his opponent’s tactics, but now claims that he has adjusted and is ready to beat his foe. As long as COVID-19 protocols allow it, the fight is expected to be held at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, with an alternative option in Abu Dhabi.


7 deaths in UK from AstraZeneca vaccine recipients with blood clot connections

7 deaths in UK from AstraZeneca vaccine recipients with blood clot connections
Apr 4 2021 Share

The UK medical regulator stated on Saturday that seven out of 30 people who suffered blood clots post AstraZeneca vaccine died. The UK’s acknowledgement of deaths follows several EU countries’ halting of AstraZeneca vaccine use after the potential link to blood clots. Reports of thrombosis followed the administering of 18.1 million doses of the vaccine in the UK.

22 of the cases were a rare blood clotting case, with 8 other cases being other types of thrombosis combined with low levels of blood platelets, which help blood clotting. The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) however stated that people should still received their vaccine when invited to do so, despite the investigation into these connections are still ongoing.
