Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Electro & Sandman in latest Spider-Man: No Way Home poster

Nov 8 2021 Share

As if we didn’t have enough material to hype ourselves for Spiderman: No Way Home, the latest film poster has revealed the much-anticipated appearance of Spidey’s nemesis the Green Goblin, amongst many others.


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William Dafoe is slated to reprise his role as the Green Goblin after his appearance in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy. After the absolute bomb of a cliffhanger in Far From Home and the central theme of the upcoming movie seemingly being the big-screen introduction multiverse, returning faces are being rumoured left, right and centre.

Along with a returning Dafoe and Alfred Molina as Doc Ock, the poster also features lightning which could very well be Jamie Foxx’s Electro and sand, potentially being Thomas Haden Church’s Sandman. With one return after another, movie executives calling No Way Home one of their most ambitious projects and Tom Holland himself saying that the film will blow our minds, we can’t wait for the premiere.


‘I have nothing to hide’ Joseph Muscat responds to Turkey trip investigation

‘I have nothing to hide’ Joseph Muscat responds to Turkey trip investigation
Nov 8 2021 Share

PN MP Jason Azzopardi stated that Swiss firm Accutor, who engaged Joseph Muscat as a consultant, paid for a trip for the former prime minister as he took off to Turkey. This preceded a series of flights he took right before Malta closed its airport in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

On the 19th of February 2020, Azzopardi had stated that Muscat had flown to Pakistan ten days earlier than his air ticket was purchased by a third party. On the 17th March, Azzopardi added that the former prime minister was about to return to Malta from a London flight and that people shouldn’t forget how he had travelled to Zurich, London, Pakistan and Miami in the span of four weeks. 

He reminded everyone of these two posts and how he had predicted that Prime Minister Robert Abela will announce a lockdown following this. The lockdown was indeed announced a day later. Azzopardi now revealed that Muscat’s Turkish Airlines flight ticket was paid by credit card from someone with email account j.khalid@accutor. 

Times of Malta reported that the former prime minister was paid €60,000 from Accutor and Spring X Media, two Swiss companies owned by Pakistani lawyer Wasay Bhatti, in the early months of 2020, shortly after his resignation as Prime Minister. 

Muscat was allegedly wired tens of thousands of euros in consultancy fees, with the Swiss company receiving millions from Steward Healthcare during the firm’s takeover of the VGH hospitals deal. 

Joseph Muscat posted a response following this news in two separate posts. He said that while he is not aware that Times of Malta ever asked other Prime Ministers or other ministers about work and roles taken up after stepping down or ‘what contracts and consultancies their children and offices landed’, he expressed not having qualms in replying if in the public interest. 

‘Nevertheless, the headline does not say I carried out work for this company, as they know I did, but rather that I was wired money.  It implies I was given money for nothing or as supposed compensation for a transaction worth millions. The payments I received for assignments carried out over a number of months are nowhere near these amounts.  But whoever gleams the headline is left unaware of this.’

‘The work I carried out over a number of months was not in any way related to projects related to the Maltese Government.  It was spread over a number of countries, in different sectors, and is fully documented.  All work and payments are fully declared, not as in the case of those who tried to rush and regularise their position with the tax authorities overnight because they were entering politics.  I also did not do like those who first negotiated on behalf of government on large scale deals, and then went to lead the entity on the other side of the table.’

‘There are some who will never forgive me for helping bring about change in the country.  They believe that I do not even have the right to work.  But the more they insist, the more it is clear that these people still cannot offer an alternative for the country’ he concluded.

A later post, directed at the Opposition leader, stated that Muscat did not do any work related to Malta and the company that leads hospitals. He said he was paid for the work he did abroad and that he declared such work and paid taxes. 

‘If he wishes, he can look for a list of his own friends who did work after they finished their roles as ministers and as they occupied seats in parliament. I have nothing to hide’ he concluded. 


Malta ignores distress call as rescue boat reaches Sicily with 800 migrants

Malta ignores distress call as rescue boat reaches Sicily with 800 migrants
Nov 8 2021 Share

A German humanitarian ship with well over 800 rescued migrants arrived in a Sicilian port on Sunday after being given permission by Italian authorities following days out at sea. 

Sea-Eye, the charity group, said the vessel was assigned to the port of Trapani on Saturday evening. With most of the adults transferred to other ships for preventive quarantine against COVID-19, around 160 minors, including babies and kids younger than 4. Most were from countries in West Africa, Egypt or Morocco, an official from Save the Children in Italy said. 

About half of the migrants rescued from a sinking wooden boat on the 4th of November, other passengers had been taken to safety from the sea in separate operations. Sea-Eye officials however lamented that Malta did not respond to the wooden boat’s distress signal in its own search area. 

‘The EU states must urgently urge Malta to finally respond to emergency calls in Valletta and coordinate sea emergencies, regardless of skin colour or origin of the people who are involved’ it said in a post. 

Another charity ship, Ocean Viking, with 306 migrants aboard, awaited assignment of a port near Lampedusa. Earlier Sunday, an Italian Coast Guard boat pulled up alongside the Ocean Viking to evacuate minors suffering health conditions. 


Over €75,000 spent on conference launching Metro system

Over €75,000 spent on conference launching Metro system
Nov 8 2021 Share

Information tabled in Parliament by Transport Minister Ian Borg revealed that just over €75,000 was spent on the launch event unveiling governmental plans for the proposed metro project. Borg showed that over €76,981.76 was spent on the event held on the 2nd of October 2021. The parliamentary question was asked by PN MP Toni Bezzina. 

The metro is estimated to cost around €6.2 billion to be built in a time span of 15 and 20 years. €3.9 billion for a first phase will be delivered after between five to eight years. 

The metro system will include three metro lines with a total of 35km of tracks and 25 stations across Malta’s urban areas. Mostly underground, a small part of the metro will be above ground between Naxxar and Bugibba. 

The proposal sparked much debate, with various members of government stating that it was not set in stone and it could change. Previous spendings for projects also rocketed up similar amounts, with two separate inaugurations for part of the Marsa junction resulting in an €85,000 expenditure. 
