Greece runs entirely on renewable energy for the first time ever

Greece runs entirely on renewable energy for the first time ever
Oct 13 2022 Share

For at least five hours last Friday, the entire country of Greece ran entirely on energy generated from renewable sources, setting an encouraging precedent for what my lie ahead for the Earth.

The country’s independent power transmission operator IPTO released this information as the country continues its efforts to ramp up the use of renewable energy sources. This was the first time in Greece’s history that the country ran completely on such resources, only a few months after the European country halted its reliance on Russian gas supplies.

It was revealed that solar, wind and hydro energy accounted for 46% of the country’s power from January to August of this year, up by 4 points from the previous year.

Environmental think-tank The Green Tank called it a “record of optimism for the country’s transition to clean energy”, and will hopefully be something we see more of in Europe and beyond over the next few months.

Back in March, Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that Gozo will lead Malta’s energy dependence on renewable energy, revealing that it will be the first in Malta to get all its energy from renewable resources.


Photo Source: Energy Transition

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WATCH: MrBeast reacts to Maltese viral clip of pigeon shot by cannon

WATCH: MrBeast reacts to Maltese viral clip of pigeon shot by cannon
Oct 13 2022 Share

It’s not everyday that Malta makes an appearance in a trending YouTube video with millions of views, but when it does… it’s on a MrBeast video.

That’s right, our tiny Mediterranean island has made a subtle cameo on arguably the greatest YouTuber of all time’s second channel Beast Reacts by way of, you guessed it, a pigeon video.

In a video which has gained over 4.3 million views so far, Jimmy ‘MrBeast’ Donaldson and his friend Chris react to a compilation of ‘Impossible 0.00001% Odds’ moments. The Maltese moment shows a pigeon getting in the way of a guard’s saluting battery fire at the Upper Barrakka Gardens.

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Peak tourism season closes with 650,000 passengers in September

Peak tourism season closes with 650,000 passengers in September
Oct 12 2022 Share

The peak summer season (June-September) ended with 2.66 million passengers, of which 658,569 traveled through Malta International Airport in September. At 86.4 per cent, September’s recovery of pre-pandemic traffic was similar to the recovery rates posted in July (86.3 per cent) and August (86.5 per cent).

In September, 89.5 per cent of the seats available on the flights operated to and from Malta were occupied, marking an increase of 3.3 per cent over the same month in 2019.

Almost no changes from the previous three peak months were observed in relation to the top drivers of traffic, with the Italian market registering an increase of 13.1 per cent in passenger numbers over September 2019 and remaining top of the leaderboard for the seventh consecutive month. Italy was followed by the United Kingdom, which generated 33 per cent less traffic than it had in 2019.

 While Germany ranked third again for the first time in six months, the number of passengers travelling to and from this market remained 34.7 per cent below pre-pandemic levels. On the other hand, the French market dropped to fourth place, despite registering an increase of 29.5 per cent over pre-pandemic traffic.  Spain, which ranked fifth, continued to recover at a slow pace, with passenger traffic to and from this market remaining 18.3 per cent below pre-pandemic levels.

Malta International Airport is now easing into the new season, having launched its winter 22/23 flight schedule earlier this week. This schedule offers around 80 per cent of pre-pandemic connectivity together with several new developments which are expected to support the airport in surpassing its forecast 5.4 million passengers by the end of the year, despite a number of economic factors that may have an impact on the demand for air travel.

One of the highlights of this schedule is the return of flag carrier Air Serbia with a biweekly flight, constituting a much-welcome decision, given Malta International Airport’s efforts to maintain a healthy mix of airlines operating to and from Malta. The schedule also features up to 14 weekly flights to Istanbul, up from seven weekly flights operated during the winter 21/22 season.

 The Maltese Islands will be connected to Sweden once again through a biweekly flight to Stockholm, following the suspension of this route, which had been operated by Scandinavian Airlines, in 2021. This development falls in line with Malta International Airport’s endeavours to better tap into the potential presented by the Scandinavian market, which is currently accessible from Malta through flights to Sweden and Denmark.


There are slightly less police officers in Malta than in 2014

There are slightly less police officers in Malta than in 2014
Oct 12 2022 Share

Malta’s police force currently has just slightly less sworn in officers than it did in 2014, at around 2,152. The data was provided in parliament by Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri in response to a parliamentary question by Opposition MP Darren Carabott. 

The data shows how the police force lost over 130 officers (6% of all police) over the past 5 years. Due to this, the corps had to engage more civilian staff members (currently more than at any point since the year 2000). 

The police force currently awaits 56 new recruits to be added to its current 2,152 personnel by October 18th. 

This translates into having one officer for every 240 residents, which is the highest police-to-resident ratio since 1993. In 2014, there was an officer for every 201 residents as the corps boasted 2,155 sworn officers. 

This remained relatively stable in the 1,700 and 1,800 amount, but 80 were then added in 2007 in just one year. In 2014, another boost to recruitment was registered at around 110. Numbers peaked in 2019, which was when there were 2,289 officers. 

Numbers fell ever since then, going slightly lower than 2014 levels. 
