
Gozo tourism operators heavily dependent on foreign employees

Gozo tourism operators heavily dependent on foreign employees
May 25 2022 Share

A new survey carried out by the Gozo Tourism Authority confirmed that the overwhelming majority of Gozitan tourism operators are reliant on foreign workers. 

The survey, which was published today, showed that 61% of Gozitan business claimed that over 70% of their staff compliment is made up of foreign workers. The survey covered the performance of businesses in Gozo between January and April this year. 

A range of businesses, from the accommodation sector, restaurants, diving centres, tour operators, travel agencies and even tourism consultancy firms, are part of this list. The GTA claimed that higher operating costs were the major business constraint for 77% of respondents. 

Staff shortages also proved to be a challenge, with 74% of all respondents touting this issue. Still, the GTA expressed optimism that 2022 will be the recovery year following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The GTA reported that, during the January to April period, businesses saw encouraging signs with 53% recording more business than the same period when compared to 2021. A third of establishments reported that their performance was the same, while 13% reported less business. 


Students create edible tape to make eating burritos easier

Students create edible tape to make eating burritos easier
May 25 2022 Share

A group of students studying at John Hopkins have figured out how to ensure that a burrito will never fall apart. And the idea may just stick around (pun intended).

Engineering seniors in a John Hopkins’ product design course were tasked with creating an invention that would be useful for everyday life. 

And what would be more useful than ensuring that your delicious burrito does not crumble before you take your first bite? The all female team solved it with an edible tape that keeps all the food contents inside safe and sound.

The group started to research the different components that make up the real tape and found edible counterparts. After much trial and error, a tasteless, clear but strong product was produced. 

The product was finally given a name – Tastee Tape – and suffice to say, it stuck. It could also work on pitas, flatbread and wraps, but the students did not reveal the ingredients of the tape as they still aim to file for a patent. 


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As many massage parlours as pastizzi shops – PN MP raises concerns

As many massage parlours as pastizzi shops - PN MP raises concerns
May 25 2022 Share

The government was challenged on its inaction when it comes to the increase of massage parlours by Opposition MP Graziella Attard Previ. 

Speaking in Parliament, the MP said that it has long been known that the parlours are also acting as brothels and slammed the government or ignoring the blatant abuse. 

She quoted a study which found that workers are having unprotected sex and their movements are often restricted, exposing them to disease and exploitation in the process. Police, the MP said, have confirmed these claims repeatedly. 

‘Why are we allowing foreign women to be trafficked? There is a need for massage parlours to be regulated’ she said. She pointed at how the parlours are very often staffed by foreign nationals and questioned the qualifications of the workers. 

Previ asked whether the government’s denial of the problem is part of a policy to legalise prostitution and said that prostitutes inevitably end up being victims of exploitation. Up until 2016, there were around 200 registered such parlours in Malta. 

After 2016 however, the government removed licensing requirements for the establishments, meaning that figures would no longer be available. Times of Malta went on to report in 2019 how about 500 men who tested at the GU clinic over two years conceded to having sex with the workers. 


AFM’s newest entries perform official recruitment parade

AFM’s newest entries perform official recruitment parade
May 25 2022 Share

After lots of training and hard work, the Armed Forces of Malta welcomed 67 new recruits at the end of 2021. With 4 of them women and 4 Gozitans, the recruits finally got to showcase their choreographed and rhythmic parade as they join Malta’s army. 

The recruits had to undergo testing in fields ranging from military to medical knowledge, from academic to field work. The build-up culminated in their official parade which took place yesterday, Wednesday 25th may 2022. 

A subsequent ceremony swore in the recruits, with the official AFM Facebook page sharing some images of the event. 

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri welcomed the new recruits with a Facebook post of his own. ‘As a government, we will be shoulder to shoulder alongside the recruits in their journey with the AFM. There is no greater honour than serving one’s country!’ 

Well done to all!
