
Gozo localities you should visit this Easter weekend

Gozo localities you should visit this Easter weekend
Apr 5 2023 Share

Easter in Gozo is always a special time of year, with families from all walks of life participating in traditional celebrations and family activities across the island.

With spring in full effect, surround yourself with Gozo’s gorgeous landscapes and spiritual atmosphere and enjoy the sights this Mediterranean paradise has to offer!


A visit to Għarb is always worthwhile, especially during Easter, a perfect time to visit the iconic Ta’ Pinu Church and understand how such a structure perfectly encapsulates Gozo’s culture and tradition. While you’re at it, make the most of this weekend’s sunny weather and bask in the village’s natural wonder.


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The small fishing village located on the south-west coast of Gozo is a local favourite, surrounded by high cliffs and crystal-clear waters. It is the perfect spot for a relaxing Easter weekend, with its small beach, waterfront restaurants, and tranquil atmosphere. Visitors can also take a boat ride to explore the nearby caves and coves.


Marsalforn is a popular seaside resort located on the north coast of Gozo, with a long promenade and a picturesque harbour. It is a great place to enjoy the sunny weather during Easter, with various water sports activities, such as snorkelling, diving, and paddleboarding. Visitors can also enjoy fresh seafood and local wines in the many restaurants and bars.


Of course there’s a lot to do in Gozo’s capital city, but you’d be surprised by the sheer amount of sights & activities you can actually enjoy in Victoria. Start your day by grabbing a bite to eat from any of the surrounding food spots then bask in the serene spring weather at the neighbouring Villa Rundle Gardens. You can also attend one of the many Good Friday processions and complete your visit with a trip to the Citadel, found at the heart of Victoria, which is even more impressing at night time.


Qala is a quaint village located on the eastern side of Gozo, offering stunning views of the neighbouring island of Comino and its famous Blue Lagoon. It is a great place to relax during Easter, with its quiet atmosphere, traditional farmhouses, and olive groves. Visitors can also visit the Qala Belvedere, a scenic viewpoint overlooking the village and the sea.


Beyond having some of the most iconic sights in all of Gozo such as the Gġantija Temples and Ramla l-Ħamra beach, which you can visit all year round, Xagħra also boasts some of the island’s most deeply-ingrained cultural heritage. From newly-restored Luigi Guacci statues on show to the age-old tradition qassata-making, a visit to Xagħra is a must.

In conclusion, Gozo is a great destination for a memorable Easter weekend, with its beautiful localities, stunning landscapes, and rich culture. Whether you prefer a seaside retreat or a countryside escape, Gozo has something for everyone. So pack your bags and get ready to immerse yourself in this Mediterranean marvel and explore this hidden gem.


Photo Source: @chrisraytsiz / @sillatoadrian via @visitgozoofficial

Cultural program for the traditional feast of San Girgor announced

Cultural program for the traditional feast of San Girgor announced
Apr 5 2023 Share

After a three-year hiatus, a cultural program for the traditional feast of San Girgor has been announced. The events will be organised by the Culture Directorate who will now be responsible for the cultural aspect of the organisation of the festivities.

The program, which was announced at a press conference in Zejtun, will focus on the traditional dimension of the festival, which is believed to have been celebrated for the first time in the year 1543. Traditionally, this feast, apart from its religious aspect, is known for its connection to the first swim that occurs on the first Wednesday after Easter.

The Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts, and Local Government Owen Bonnici stated the government is duty-bound to see that traditional feasts like San Girgor continue to thrive and pass down from generation to generation. He also stated that in the formulation of the program of activities related to this traditional festival, the Culture Directorate worked hand in hand with the Local Councils of Zejtun and Marsaxlokk and will highlight the intangible cultural heritage aspect of our country.

“In this way,” said Dr Bonnici, “we will be preserving this traditional Maltese aspect while raising awareness about the intangible cultural heritage, such as traditional Maltese crafts and the Għana, which have been recognized in UNESCO’s representative list.”

On her part the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli emphasized the important role of cultural activities in society, and explained how cultural activities like San Girgor help preserve our cultural heritage, boost the local economy and foster social cohesion. Additionally, Zerafa Civelli stated that the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Government will continue to be committed in helping the Local Councils through cultural schemes thus safeguarding our cultural heritage.

Meanwhile, the Culture Directorate, as part of an internal restructuring process, also underwent rebranding. The new logo of the Directorate was launched during the press conference and was inspired by the traditional Maltese tile. The Director of this Directorate Aleks Farrugia, said that the process of restructuring the Culture Directorate will help to strengthen its identity and operations.

“The design of the new logo of the Directorate is based on the traditional aspect – the Maltese tile – but it is given a contemporary touch. This is the same way culture – despite its roots in the past – is experienced in the present context,” said Dr Farrugia.

He explained that the colors that make up the branding scheme are taken from the colors of the sunrise over the Grand Harbour, where the sunrise symbolizes a new day and a hopeful future, as well as the port that opens up to the sea, a symbol of connectivity with the rest of the world. The Culture Directorate is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the National Culture Policy. This Directorate promotes education and research in the cultural field, fosters cultural exchange, and organizes cultural events and activities in Malta.


142 AFM members recognised for their efficient service

142 AFM members recognised for their efficient service
Apr 5 2023 Share

142 members of the Armed Forces of Malta were given recognition for their long and efficient service in the army. 

In a ceremony which took place in the AFM barracks, Minister for Security, Home Affairs and Reform Byron Camilleri, along with Chief Commander Clinton J O’Neill, issued medals to members and ex-members of the army who served 18, 25 or 30 years. 

During his speech, Minister Byron Camilleri said that the medals are only symbolic representations which cannot fully capture the sacrifice they made for the AFM.

‘The government is recognising the hard work, sacrifice and dedication of the armed forces members’ said the Minister. 

He mentioned a €15 million yearly investment made over 5 years so that the members of the corp could benefit from advancements and support. He also made reference to how, just over 10 years ago, the members were forgotten when it came to investment and even in salaries. 

On his part, J O’Neill said that this is not a collective honour but one that each member has worked for, with all of them becoming better persons as they underwent their service. 


Animal abusers face no consequences: NGO shows lack of support

Animal abusers face no consequences: NGO shows lack of support
Apr 5 2023 Share

Associations for Abandoned Animals took to social media highlighted various cases of abandoned dogs out in Malta’s streets to highlight the abuse and lack of resources for animal welfare. 

The NGO said that they are not pointing fingers at Animal Welfare as the problem is much nigger and higher than animal welfare. 

‘The lack of resources is massive, the apathy to change laws is terrible, the many ‘important’ people hindering improvement is worse and we could go on. But if we stay silent, we too will be complicit.’ 

‘Right now, there is going on some great rescues by animal welfare and we of AAA take in so many of them. In terrible states, with extreme medical neglect and all abandoned.  But none of their owners are fined or taken to court.’ 

The NGO highlighted how abusers are free to abuse new victims in Malta with no consequences, going on to showcase various examples of poor animals who suffered such abuse. 

‘We have sent enough emails and called enough. We simply do not have the time and energy to continue asking for justice. And we are in no way minimising the great job most people in animal welfare do. The problem is higher up.’ 


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