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Government to add IVF medication to formulary by summer

Government to add IVF medication to formulary by summer
Feb 18 2022 Share

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne revealed that medications for couples who undergo IVF treatment will be added to the government’s formulary by summer 2022. 

Refunds will also be given for treatment received since January 1st, with the measure having been first announced last year. Prime Minister Robert Abela reiterated last Sunday that the refund scheme will be launching shortly. 

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As of this week, a designated official at the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Clinic in Mater Dei will be overseeing the process as well as helping people fill out their forms. This was revealed by Chief Medical Officer Walter Busuttil. 

The forms must be collected on site, with patients having to indicate whether they have undergone intrauterine insemination, embryo transfer or stimulation cycle. The form includes a section wherein patients can leave bank details and IBAN number so that payments can be made directly. 

Patients will be entitled to receive a €500 refund for intrauterine insemination, €1,000 for an embryo transfer or €2.500 for a stimulated cycle. Busuttil also added that patients who spent more than these amounts for their medication will be refunded the difference provided that receipts and prescriptions are presented with their application.

252 ‘little miracles’, as described by the Health Minister, were born to Maltese parents ever since the government started offering IVF services on the national health services. There are currently 24 pregnant women who are carrying children thanks to IVF treatment, with 27 babies expected in total as some are expecting twins. 

In 2021, ART clinic in Mater Dei had a ‘take-home baby’ rate of around 21.5%, which is good and comparable to clinics overseas. ‘We want to continue giving courage to those couples who want to start a family and see more new lives and more happy mums, dads and even grandparents for the years to come’ said Fearne. 


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‘It’s ok to not be made up every single day’ – Ira Losco speaks out

‘It’s ok to not be made up every single day’ - Ira Losco speaks out
Feb 18 2022 Share

Taking to social media, Malta’s very own singing queen Ira Losco spoke about the reality behind every day life and how the media puts a filter on many aspects of a person’s life.

Ira spoke about how one of the things she’s learned in her older years is that it is okay to not be made up every single day.

‘It’s ok to embrace the days where you look like you’ve just rolled out of bed’ she said, revealing that it’s quite common for her. ‘It’s ok to have dark circles under your eyes and to not be prime and proper all the time. 

She went on to describe society and the media as being ‘bloody exhausting.’ She acknowledged how she forms part of this when she posts photos prompting services. 

‘However, I’m here to let you know that I look like crap/not made up 85/90% of the time and the rest of it I have to look the part’ she disclosed. 

‘It’s really ok too to take care of yourself, to want to play the part, to get and seek professionals to help you achieve a particular look. It’s nice to treat oneself sometimes’ she said. 

For Ira, she said, it comes as part of a job which she’s been doing for 20 yeas and over. She expressed how she sometimes enjoys it but also finds it really extra sometimes. ‘Whatever the case [in my honest opinion] it’s what on the inside that counts.’ 


Photo Source: Ira Losco FB

WATCH: River of Love pastor claims a girl’s blurry vision was healed by God

River of Love pastor claims a girl’s eyes were healed by God
Feb 18 2022 Share

A new video published by Maltese Christian group River of Love alleges that an 11-year-old girl was healed from blurry vision by God.

Head pastor Gordon Manche explained how on October 2021, during one of their weekly meetings of their fellowship, God gave sight to a young girl by the name of Samira Farrugia.

He, along with his Christian fellowship, shared the testimony as proof of a miraculous occurrence within their church. In the video, Samira is asked about how the divine intervention changed her life.

The little girl alleged how before the meeting she had to use glasses as her vision was blurry. ‘We prayed; the pastor prayed with me and I started seeing clearly since then’ she said.

The River of Love fellowship was under considerable fire in the first month of this year following the Paulina Dembska murder. This was due to the murder suspect Abner Aquilina having been reportedly attending meetings of the church.

Aquilina had also stated that he was a soldier of God and that he was hearing different frequencies from the devil. The police did later confirm that Aquilina had attended the meetings, but Manche distanced the group from Aquilina. 


Eurovision singer Chris Scicluna passes away

Eurovision singer Chris Scicluna passes away
Feb 18 2022 Share

The passing of singer Chris Scicluna, who represented Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994, has just been announced. Passing away at age 62, the singer had represented the country alongside his wife Moira Stafrace.

Representing the country with the song ‘More Than Love’, Chris’ musical career extends back to 1979 when he recorded his first album. 

Acquiring fame with band ‘Getting Closer’, one of their songs, ‘This Time’ was chosen to represent Malta in the competition in 1993. The song was performed by William Mangion. The musical career is what led to him meeting his wife, after which they went on to classify in fifth place in Dublin. 

Moira took to social media to announce her beloved husband’s passing. She described him as beloved husband, father, best friends, music mentor, travelling buddy and her shadow for the past 27 years. 

‘We shared a lot of wonderful experience together as music lovers and husband and wife. I love you Chris, fly high my hubby… Hope you’re rockin’ up there… You are now with your dad…’ 

Rest in Peace Chris, and condolences to all your family. 
