President of the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses Paul Pace said that the government has clearly shown that it does not care about thee nursing and midwife professions.
As the sector experiences a massive exodus of nurses and other employees, Paul Pace said that the issue is devolving into a national crisis. This is creating difficult working conditions for nurses and midwives and, by extension, a lack of services in hospitals and clinics.
Pace expressed great regret and anger at how nurses have been neglected by the government, particularly with the ‘poaching’ of nurses which is taking place by the government itself. This, Pace said, is taking human resources from private institutions to work with the government due to the shortage.
Paul Pace said that there is a 600-person shortage and that the Health Ministry’s only solution to the issue was to recruit, through poaching, nurses from third world countries and potter private entities such as HealthMark and CareMalta.
Pace highlighted how 15% to 20% of nurses in Malta are foreign nationals. The president also said that the union has found it incredibly difficult to recruit nurses as, upon leaving university, they would have already decided to continue to become doctors.
The working conditions are also so bad that nurses have left the occupation to go int other lines of work. The union said that it will present a sectoral agreement for discussion with the government. This will include proposals to alleviate the problem of staff shortage and better the working conditions.