The recently published documentary, “Ġmielek,” is a heartwarming and informative production that sheds light on people’s success stories with dyslexia, ADHD, deafness, and blindness. The documentary, which was released on YouTube, features Claudia Faniello and Carisma Collections collaborating to create an impactful and meaningful production that educates and inspires its viewers.
The documentary explores the stories of 4 individuals who have faced these challenges and provides insight into the struggles they have experienced in their daily lives and how they have overcame them. Through their stories, we learn about difficulties faced in education, employment, and social situations, as well as the strategies and tools they use to overcome their challenges.
One of the central themes of the documentary, that was produced by Steven Levi Vella and Malta Daily’s very own Keane Cutajar, emphasises the need for society to recognise and respect the unique abilities and strengths of every individual.
Through powerful storytelling and emotional testimonials, filmed and edited by the talented Johann Caruana, “Ġmielek” showcases the resilience and determination of individuals who have faced tremendous adversity in their lives.
It highlights their accomplishments and the significant contributions they have made to their communities, demonstrating that with the right support and mindset, anything is possible. Overall, “Ġmielek” is an inspiring and thought-provoking documentary that will leave a lasting impression on its viewers and encourage them to become advocates for greater inclusion for all.