
Ghadira’s new parking gets new line markings as work continues

Mar 13 2021 Share

Work on Ghadira’s new parking has continued, with Projects Plus revealing the line markings painted on the new parking grounds. The parking will be able to accommodate around 350 cars, with parkings reserved for disability access.

Illum kompla x-xogħol fuq il-line markings tal-parkeġġ pubbliku tal-Għadira. F’dan il-parkeġġ se jkunu jistgħu…

Posted by Projects Plus on Friday, 12 March 2021

Transport Minister Ian Borg had previously shared an image of the lot at night, testing the area’s lighting system and claiming that, come Summer, the parking will be available for the public to use. Ghadira is one of Malta’s most popular beaches, and the new project hopes to make travel and transport easier to the area.


Italy under lockdown after COVID-19 wave strains hospitals

Mar 13 2021 Share

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has stated that schools, restaurants, shops and museums will be closing as of next week as a new wave of COVID-19 has swept the country and put a massive strain on hospitals. With the new variants spreading the virus even faster, a majority of regions such as Milan and Rome were classified high-risk red zones by Health Minister Roberto Speranza.

Residents were informed to avoid going out unless completely necessary as the new restrictions last until Easter, with all of Italy becoming a red-zone. Draghi stated that more than 150,000 cases were reported last week, overloading Italy’s hospitals and care units. Meanwhile, Italy is still undergoing its vaccination campaign started in late December but is struggling due to delays in deliveries.


BOV Fleur de Lys temporarily closed due to COVID-19 case

Mar 13 2021 Share

The Fleur de Lys BOV branch will be temporarily closed after one staff member tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. BOV assured that customers will be contacted by health authorities should they have been exposed to interaction with infected staff member as per contact tracing efforts.

🇲🇹 Il-Bank of Valletta jixtieq javża lill-klijenti tiegħu li l-Fergħa ta' Fleur de Lys ingħalqet b’mod temporanju…

Posted by BOV on Friday, 12 March 2021

Any customers of the branch were advised to check on the BOV website whether the branch has been impacted by COVID-19 and stated that it regretted any inconvenience caused to any customer.


Gozo Conference and Expo Centre becomes Gozo’s primary vaccination centre

Mar 13 2021 Share

Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri took to FaceBook to announce that together with the Health Minister, the Gozo Conference and Expo Centre has been converted into the main centre for Vaccination in Gozo. The centre is full accessible with the biggest parking in Gozo.

Fi ftit jiem il-Ministeru għal Għawdex flimkien mal-Ministeru għas-Saħħa 🇲🇹 ikkonvertejna l-Gozo Conference & Expo…

Posted by Clint Camilleri on Friday, 12 March 2021

The centre will be operating with 6 vaccination booths and is able to seat 40 people at once. With next week seeing the launch of a vaccination programme for all Gozitans, Camilleri stated that health remains the major priority. Camilleri also informed Gozitan educators to ignore any information sent for vaccination as a new invite for Gozitan educators will be sent.
