General Workers’ Union proposes that bankers be considered front-liners and get vaccinated earlier

Jan 13 2021 Share

The General Workers’ Union (GWU) Secretary for Professionals, Finance and Services Section has been in talks with the Bankers Association regarding the consideration of proposing an earlier COVID-19 vaccination for its workers.

The union has stated that these workers are in contact with people all the time and put themselves and their family at risk due to exposure within the workplace.

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”Therefore, the GWU has proposed that they too be considered front-liners and should be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a priority.”


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Having internet issues? Melita victims of cyber attack to extort money

Jan 13 2021 Share

If you’re having internet issues today we may have found the reason why as Melita have taken to Facebook to announce that they have suffered a DDOS attack by cybercriminals.

UPDATE 17:30:Our cyber security measures have largely mitigated today’s DDOS attack and, although the attack is…

Posted by Melita on Wednesday, 13 January 2021

The telecommunications company assured the public that ‘no systems were penetrated or breached’ and they are doing their utmost to contain the issue as soon as possible.

If you’re experiencing these issues, let us know by commenting or sending a private message!


€50,000 fine and suspended sentence for 21-year-old involved in match fixing

Jan 13 2021 Share

A 21-year-old Qormi resident was fined €50,000 and landed a suspended sentence after admitting his involvement in a match-fixing scandal related to Attard FC.

Rudgear Scerri appeared in court on Wednesday under arrest and was charged with the manipulation of a sporting event, withholding of information from the police and involvement in unlicensed gaming.

Following the seizure of up to €30,000 after a home raid, the man plead guilty and admitted to the acts.


PM Robert Abela & Naomi Pace Gasan visit Dun Manwel Attard Resource Centre

Jan 13 2021 Share

In commemoration of the National Day of Persons with Disabilities which takes place tomorrow, Prime Minister Robert Abela spent a day with Naomi Pace Gasan and visited her school in Wardija.

The Prime Minister took to Facebook to express his enthusiasm in visiting the Dun Manwel Attard Resource Centre and learning how Naomi spends her day.

Wara li f’lejlet il-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Persuni b’Diżabbiltà stedint lil Naomi Pace Gasan tqatta’ ġurnata miegħi,…

Posted by Robert Abela on Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Dr. Abela also commended the staff and administration on their efforts to work hand in hand with students to improve the academic experience which is needed for an independent and prosperous life with adequate work.
