As Malta prepares itself to have one of the sunniest and warmest Christmas holiday seasons, things in the US have taken a much colder front.
Various international news portals are reporting how temperatures in the US could drop as low as a whopping -45°C, leading to people getting frostbite by just spending a few minutes out in the open.

Over 200 million people – two-thirds of the US population – have been affected by this intense cold as it stretches all the way up to Canada and even down to Mexico.
The storm has been branded as ‘once-in-a-generation, with a weather pattern called a ‘bomb-cyclone’ dropping on the 23rd of December as the air pressure drops drastically.
Temperatures hitting the aforementioned -45°C mark means people could contract frostbite in under five to ten minutes, damaging skin and tissue of hands, feet, ears, noses and lips.
President Joe Biden has even issued a warning, saying that this is not a snow storm that invites people to play in it like when they were kids. ‘This is serious stuff’ and has urged people to stay indoors and as warm as possible to wait the weather out.