
Fridges Left On Side Of Maltese Roads

Fridges Left On Side Of Maltese Roads
Mar 5 2024 Share

Cleansing and Maintenance Division Clean Malta once again bemoaned the reckless abandonment of bulky waste left all around the island.

This time, it was a set of three fridges and other waste left on the side of a Maltese road. 

The division reminded the public that there are specific sites where people can throw away all forms of rubbish instead of polluting the Maltese environment. 

This is part of a series of posts uploaded by Clean Malta highlighted the reckless throwing away of waste. 


70 Year Old Sets World Record For Eating Over 34,000 Big Macs

70 Year Old Sets World Record For Eating Over 34,000 Big Macs
Mar 5 2024 Share

Donald Gorske has once again made headlines by adding another 728 Big Macs to his lifetime tally, setting a new world record at 34,128 burgers devoured. 

The retired prison officer from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA, consumed his first Big Mac over half a century ago, on May 17, 1972, and made a commitment to continue eating them indefinitely. 

He meticulously tracks every Big Mac he consumes, retaining all containers and receipts since day one. Gorske’s Guinness World Records title, awarded in 1999, follows years of media attention, dating back to 1986, coinciding with his tenure at a maximum security prison. 

While shunning most interview requests due to inmate reactions, his fellow guards supported his endeavor, often sneaking Big Macs to him during double shifts. Gorske’s daily consumption has reduced to two burgers, usually eaten for lunch and dinner, purchased twice weekly in bulk since retirement. 

Despite his notorious diet, Gorske maintains his health through daily walks and avoiding fries. His love for McDonald’s even extended to his proposal to his wife in the restaurant’s parking lot. Despite skeptics, Gorske remains in good health and takes pride in his enduring Guinness World Record status, celebrating his 24th year as a record holder.


PN Leader Meets With Parents Of Jean Paul Sofia

PN Leader Meets With Parents Of Jean Paul Sofia
Mar 5 2024 Share

In a meeting with Isabelle Bonnici and John Sofia, parents of Jean Paul Sofia, Nationalist Party Leader Bernard Grech affirmed the party’s commitment to ensuring the implementation of recommendations from the Public Inquiry Report and holding those responsible politically accountable. 

Grech emphasized the party’s steadfast support for the Sofia family and its efforts to advocate for a Public Inquiry, highlighting the importance of uncovering the truth and delivering justice. 

In a statement, Bernard Grech spoke about how Prime Minister Robert Abela’s actions were contrary, as he attempted to evade accountability by resisting calls for a Public Inquiry.

He said that, despite the Nationalist Party’s efforts, the Labour Parliamentary Group, on July 12, 2023, voted against the motion for a Public Inquiry, disregarding the pleas of the Sofia family for justice. 

The outcome underscores the ongoing struggle for justice and accountability in Malta’s political landscape, with the Sofia family and their supporters continuing to push for truth and accountability in the face of opposition.


EU Fined Apple €1.8 Billion For Breaking Music Streaming Laws

EU Fined Apple €1.3 Billion For Breaking Music Streaming Laws
Mar 5 2024 Share

Apple has been fined €1.8 billion by the EU for violating competition laws regarding music streaming. 

The European Commission found that Apple had restricted streaming services from informing users of payment options outside the Apple app store, abusing its dominant position in the market for a decade. 

Apple plans to appeal the decision, arguing there is no evidence of consumer harm. The fine stemmed from a complaint by Spotify, which objected to the restrictions and Apple’s 30% fee. 

The European Union’s Digital Markets Act aims to promote competition in the tech sector and reduce the dominance of companies like Apple and Google. Companies have until later this week to comply with the new legislation or face hefty fines. 

The DMA is expected to have a significant impact on how platforms operate within the EU, according to legal experts. Spotify and other companies have criticized Apple’s lack of compliance with the DMA, calling for stricter enforcement to ensure competitive digital markets.


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