On Monday 24th October, Minister for Finance and Employment Clyde Caruana will announce the Malta Budget for 2023, proposing a set of socio-economic measures which aim to reach all facets of Maltese society.
Ahead of Monday’s Budget event, the Nationalist Party has presented a set of pre-budget proposals. Amongst other proposals, the party proposed nation-wide free Wi-Fi access as well as free Wi-Fi for elderly who could not otherwise afford the service.
Right to access has become a hot topic across the globe, with many arguing that access to the internet is a basic human right and countries. In this regard, Estonia has become a model of connectivity, with free and open internet access.
Meanwhile, the Nationalist Party has also proposed the introduction of Learning Support Educators across the country at a post-secondary level. In 2021, Malta registered the highest-ever number of students requiring assistance for ADHD and Dyslexia in history with a total of 679 students requesting EEAs during their O Level exams.
Check out this episode of Malta Daily SHORTS to find out more:
@maltadaily.mt Shorts: Malta bl-ogħla numru ta’ studenti fil-bżonn tal-assistenza. 👨🏻🎓 Supported by PwC Malta. #MaltaDaily ♬ original sound – Malta Daily
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