
France imposes travel ban on non-EU countries

Jan 30 2021 Share

France has now imposed a travel-ban on to and from non-EU countries. This is part of the effort being made to avoid a third national lockdown.

Entry into France will only be allowed after taking a PCR test, except for those commuting across borders. Schengen-are countries such as Switzerland and Norway are exempt from the travel ban.

A new restriction has also imposed the closure of shopping malls which are larger than 20,000 square metres that don’t sell food products.



Attention Vegans: Hugo’s Lounge are now making and delivering Vegan Sushi!

Jan 30 2021 Share

It’s no surprise that veganism has been on the rise lately, with more awareness being directed towards veganism, a number of restaurants everywhere have been racing to cater to this need. People have been limiting their intake of animal products and Hugo’s Lounge is now also offering options for vegans.

Hugo’s Lounge is now offering a range of 5 variations of vegan sushi! Apart from this, they’re also offering delivery!

Get your hands on a unique Eastern gastronomic experience, now for vegans too! Hugo’s Lounge is now offering; California Veggie Maki, Geisha Maki, Vietnamese Maki, Bajin Maki and Viktorian Maki.

Bonus: Hugo’s Lounge Vegan Sushi is also available for delivery on https://www.hugosdeliveries.com/



UK law change means Landlords no longer able to use blanket ban on pets

Jan 30 2021 Share

A UK changes in-laws mean that Landlords are no longer able to use a blanket ban on pets.

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has now introduced a new standard agreement. which will allow for pets to be banned only when there is a valid and good reason.

Landlords who do not wish for tenants to have pets will have to issue this in writing along with a valid reason within 28 days of receiving a written request from the tenant to have a pet.


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Broadcasting authority survey reveals Malta’s top radio stations

Jan 29 2021 Share

A survey published by the Broadcasting Authority which was carried out between the 14th and 20th December has revealed a number of statistics with regards to Malta’s media usage, covering TV, radio and online.

In terms of radio, the BA revealed 89.7 Bay as Malta’s most followed radio station with 22% of listeners, with ONE Radio coming in second at 15% of listeners and Vibe being third most followed at 12%.

With regards to local radio programmes, Bay Breakfast with Daniel & Ylenia as favourite with 20% mentioning it, Bonġu Calypso at second with 8% and The Morning Vibe with Abel, JD & Martina at third with 8%.
