
Fort St. Angelo & EU Landmarks Light Up Ahead of Elections

Fort St. Angelo & EU Landmarks Light Up Ahead of Elections
May 9 2024 Share

As the European Union elections draw near, with just one month to go until the polls on June 8th, landmarks across the EU have been illuminated to mark the occasion. Iconic structures like Malta’s Fort St. Angelo shone in blue light as a reminder of the upcoming MEP Elections. Similar projections were seen on prominent monuments such as the Colosseum in Rome and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Today also coincides with Europe Day, observed every 9th of May, commemorating the Schuman Declaration that set the foundation for European cooperation. This historic declaration is considered a cornerstone of what the European Union represents today.

These illuminated landmarks serve not only as beautiful reminders but also as a call to citizens to remember their role in shaping the future of the EU through their votes. As candidates continue their electoral campaigns, the projections underscore the importance of participation in the democratic process.

This Friday, Maltese MEP candidates will be going head to head for the ultimate MEP Debate at Casino Maltese from 4PM – if you want to join make sure you sign up!


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Malta Better Than New York? TikToker Draws Comparisons

Malta Better Than New York? TikToker Draws Comparisons
May 9 2024 Share

In a recent TikTok video, the user “Growing Up Abroad” sparked a discussion comparing New York City and Malta, raising points about their similarities and differences. The creator starts by acknowledging the ethnic diversity in both locales, noting their popularity as film backdrops and their busy, traffic-congested environments. Both areas are described as having vibrant communities with significant populations of immigrants and foreigners, which locals have mixed feelings about.


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Further, the TikToker discusses the historical depth of each location, pointing out that while both have rich histories, one predates the other significantly. Cuisine is another shared strength, though he mentions that both New York City and Malta could improve in terms of green spaces. The issue of housing is also touched upon, as both places face challenges in this area despite a high density of buildings. Interestingly, he notes that both are archipelagos, adding a geographical parallel to the mix.

The video concludes with a specific point about water quality where, according to “Growing Up Abroad,” Malta surpasses New York City, claiming a clear victory in this regard.

This TikTok has invited viewers to reflect on the unique qualities of both destinations, weighing the pros and cons presented in his breakdown.

Which is better? Let us know!


Man Accused of Raping Former Partner, Tracking her Car Denied Bail

Man Accused of Raping Former Partner, Tracking her Car Denied Bail
May 8 2024 Share

In a recent court hearing, a Sri Lankan national residing in Gżira, Mathihul Akmal Mohamed Jabir, was charged with multiple offenses, including rape, harassment, and stalking, after his former partner reported a disturbing campaign of alleged harassment to the police.

According to police inspector John Spiteri’s testimony, the woman initially reported Jabir for alleged harassment and stalking on March 19. However, during her statement to the police detailing the alleged harassment, she disclosed a horrifying incident that reportedly occurred on February 24, where she was allegedly “forced to engage in sexual conduct against her will.”

Jabir, who pleaded not guilty to the charges, was already airborne to Sri Lanka when the police attempted to arrest him. However, upon discovering his return to Malta, he was apprehended at the airport.

During the court proceedings, Spiteri expressed concerns about Jabir’s potential flight risk, noting his minimal ties to Malta and the absence of bilateral agreements with Sri Lanka. He also highlighted fears of witness interference, especially considering the alleged victim’s pending testimony and accusations of Jabir installing a tracking device in her car.

Despite defense lawyer Joseph Calleja Parnis’s argument for bail, emphasizing that the victim did not report the alleged rape immediately, Magistrate Joseph Gatt ruled against granting bail. Gatt cited the gravity of the charges and doubts about Jabir’s ability to adhere to bail conditions as reasons for the decision. Additionally, a protection order was granted in favor of the alleged victim.

The case highlights the complexities of reporting intimate partner violence and the challenges faced by victims in coming forward. It also underscores the importance of legal protections for victims and the judicial system’s role in ensuring their safety and access to justice.


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Hedgehog Saved from Dangerous Waters in Victoria, Malta

Hedgehog Saved from Dangerous Waters in Victoria, Malta
May 8 2024 Share

In a heartwarming display of community compassion and wildlife expertise, volunteers in Victoria, Malta, rallied to rescue a hedgehog in distress. The hedgehog, affectionately named Hellie, was found swimming in the valley near Lidl, struggling to find her way out of the water. What ensued was a rescue mission that showcased both the challenges and triumphs of wildlife rehabilitation efforts.

Hellie’s predicament was discovered by a concerned citizen who promptly contacted local wildlife rescue volunteers. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the volunteers wasted no time in springing into action. Armed with a borrowed ladder from a nearby construction site and equipped with wildlife handling permits and training, they carefully approached the exhausted hedgehog.

Using a net, the volunteers managed to safely capture Hellie, who was visibly tired and cold from her ordeal. It was evident that she had been in the water for hours, struggling to stay afloat. Once secured, Hellie was promptly taken to a veterinarian for assessment and treatment. After receiving necessary medication, she was transferred to a rehabilitation facility, where she was placed on a heat mat to warm up.

Hellie’s journey to recovery serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting Malta’s wildlife, all of which are legally protected species. The rescue operation was conducted with the utmost care and consideration for the hedgehog’s well-being, adhering to strict guidelines and regulations. It is illegal in Malta to harm or keep protected animals as pets, highlighting the significance of wildlife conservation efforts in the region.

The successful rescue of Hellie was made possible by the dedication and expertise of the volunteers involved. Their quick thinking and resourcefulness, coupled with their commitment to wildlife welfare, ensured that Hellie had a fighting chance at survival. Now, with fingers crossed and hearts hopeful, the volunteers await Hellie’s recovery, anticipating the day she can be safely released back into the wild where she belongs.

As Hellie continues her rehabilitation journey, her story serves as a testament to the power of community action and the resilience of Malta’s wildlife. It is a reminder that every creature, no matter how small, deserves our protection and care. With continued vigilance and support, we can ensure a brighter future for all of Malta’s cherished wildlife.
