
flydubai will start flights from Malta to Dubai on 12 May

Jan 25 2021 Share

Dubai-based airline flydubai has announced that it will start flying regularly to Malta from 12 May, being the first airline to offer a direct route to the United Arab Emirates after Emirates’ COVID-influenced decision to pull out of Malta.

We’ve added a new destination to our network!From 26 January we’ll resume flights to Doha with a double daily service….

Posted by flydubai on Wednesday, 20 January 2021

The flights will happen four times per week in a route which also travels to Catania in Sicily with Malta’s ambassador to the UAE, Maria Camilleri Calleja welcoming Malta’s return to their flight map.

Last month’s report by the Central Bank of Malta had stated that establishing previously-lost air connections to major locations such as Dubai are an essential pillar in recovering the economy.

Send this to your travel buddy.


203 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 175 recoveries

67 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 323 recoveries
Jan 25 2021 Share

Malta has registered 203 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,345 swab tests, while 175 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Sunday 24th January 2021, 19,981 doses were administered of which 1,198 were 2nd doses.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

To date, Malta has registered 16,861 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 13,976 have recovered, 253 died and 2,632 are still active.


Malta daily Facebook 970x90

Drug use & regulation: fill in this survey!

Jan 25 2021 Share

Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) is currently carrying out a study on drug use among Maltese students and young adults as part of their drug awareness campaign ‘Beyond the Influence’.


The campaign is co-funded by the EU for civil society engagement and to pave the way to a better Europe by raising awareness on drug use and abuse, illicit drug activity and their accessibility.

The council is currently conducting a questionnaire aimed at students and young adults regarding the aforementioned topics.


Corradino correctional officer’s car set on fire

Jan 25 2021 Share

A Corradino Correctional Facility warder’s car was set on fire overnight in Qormi.

The General Worker’s Union’s Disciplined Forces, Security and Law Enforcement Officers section took to Facebook to express solidarity with the official in question and his relatives.

Ghadna kif gejna infurmati li matul il-lejl li ghadda sfat mahruqa vettura ta' Ufficjal Korrettiv fil-lokalita' ta' Hal…

Posted by GWU – Disciplined Forces, Security & Law Enforcement Officers Section on Sunday, 24 January 2021

The car was sat ablaze overnight in Qormi.
