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Financial aid for Air Malta

Oct 19 2020 Share

The Government will be applying for State Aid clearance from the European Commission so that it can provide financial assistance to Air Malta’ to help it recover following the financial decline as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the coming days, an application for State Aid from the European Commission will be submitted.

This post is brought to you in collaboration with PwC Malta


Increased investment in the digital sector

Oct 19 2020 Share

A new Digital Strategy – ‘Digital Economy Think Tank’ – will be established to further consolidate capital investment in the digital sector.

Focus will be made on technology such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Immersive Technology, 3D Printing, Quantum and High Performance Computing.

Further implementation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects in the academic, health and transport sectors will continue next year.


Tax exemption for voluntary organisations

Oct 19 2020 Share

All voluntary organisations registering an income of less than €50,000 shall be exempt from paying taxes on their yearly profits.

These organisations shall be monitored by Government for transparency of donations collected and its distribution.

The post is brought to you in collaboration with PwC Malta


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Extension of covid-19 wage supplement

Oct 19 2020 Share

The Government COVID-19 wage supplement for will be extended until at least March 2021.

The wage supplement is part of the Government’s economic recovery scheme where business will continue to be eligible for a maximum of €800 monthly for every full-time worker.

A review of the aforementioned scheme will be carried out at the end of the year to consider whether the amount should be changed.

This post is brought to you in collaboration with PwC Malta
