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Finance Minister Air Malta’s lease of more expensive aircraft

Finance Minister Air Malta’s lease of more expensive aircraft
Jun 23 2021 Share

Confirming that Air Malta was leasing the newer Airbus A320neo models, Finance Minister Clyde Caruana strongly defended the decision, insisting that the leasing is the economically sensible option. The new airbus was leased over the A320 models which were far cheaper to lease. The Minister defended the decision in reply to a parliamentary question by Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi, who maintained that it cost Air Malta over €300,000 monthly to lease the A320neos.

Caruana did not confirm or deny whether the PN MP’s figures were correct, but simply stated that Air Malta was leasing aircrafts at market rates which were being independently verified. Caruana did however maintain that the new aircraft, with NEO standing for new engine option, were more efficient and consumed less fuel. He added that they also produced far less noise than their older counterparts, thus reducing the noise charges paid by Air Malta each time a landing is made.


Photo Source: Clyde Caruana FB, Air Malta

Thursday to feel as hot as 40°C in scorching heat wave

Thursday to feel as hot as 40°C in scorching heat wave
Jun 23 2021 Share

The Malta International Airport weather forecast issued an ‘orange warning’ on Tuesday, cautioning that the first official week of summer is expected to reach up to 38°C and feel like 40°C. Times of Malta spoke to a Malta Meteorological Office spokesperson earlier this week, who revealed that while it is not out of the ordinary to experience such scorching temperatures at this time of year, necessary precautions are to be taken by everyone.

UV levels are to reach very high levels as well, with the heatwave set to continue throughout the weekend with highs of 38°C during the day and lows of around 26°C to 27°C. There is also no set end in sight for the heat wave as people gear up for one of the hottest weeks yet.


Photo Source: TravelTriangle

0 COVID-19 cases registered with 1 recovery

Jun 23 2021 Share

Malta has registered 0 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 1,692 swab tests, while 1 patient has recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Wednesday 23rd June 2021, 636,059 vaccine doses were administered of which 353,584 were 1st doses. 294,650 people are currently fully vaccinated.

To date, Malta has registered 30,595 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 30,149 have recovered, 420 died and 26 are still active.


Photo Source: Charmaine Gauci FB

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Billie Eilish apologises following video of artist mouthing racial slur

Billie Eilish apologises following video of artist mouthing racial slur
Jun 23 2021 Share

Superstar Billie Eilish has apologised following a video of her apparently mouthing along to a song which uses an anti-Asian racial slur surfaces. The seven-time Grammy winner posted a statement on Instagram story last Monday, addressing the edited compilation of videos circulating earlier this month. In the clips, Eilish was seen mouthing the slur and apparently imitating an accent in another.

Eilish was allegedly 13 or 14 at the time, and stated that she is appalled and embarrassed, saying that the fact that she mouthed to that word makes her want to ‘barf.’ She said that regardless of her ignorance and age at the time, nothing excuses the fact that it was hurtful. Addressing the accent, she said that it was only silly gibberish she used constantly with friends, pets and family. She said that it was in ‘NO way an imitation of anyone or any language, accent, or culture in the SLIGHTEST.’


Photo Source: Sky News