‘Finally in a safe place’ and ‘can write freely’ tweets Mark Camilleri

'Finally in a safe place' and 'can write freely' tweets Mark Camilleri
Mar 23 2023 Share

Mark Camilleri, who very recently published intimate chats between Labour MP Rosianne Cutajar and Yorgen Fenech, currently being charged with the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, took to Twitter to reveal the following: 

‘Finally, i am in a safe place where lawyers don’t need to tell me what to do and the police can’t confiscate my equipment. And also i can write freely.’

This comes after the publication of the WhatsApp chats, after which he revealed that he still requires some help. 

‘Yo, I am a lion, but still outnumbered by thousands of d*ckheads and the mafia has a big team. I need more resources to fight. I’m 35, and I am looking for a business loan and have no debt with banks except for a personal loan of 14K remaining. Drop me a message if you can help.’ 

The tweet also comes after a recent release of a new blog post entitled ‘The Labour Party is a criminal organisation’. 

The Labour Party is a criminal organisation

In the blog, Camilleri said that he will keep his word when saying that any corrupt politician or anyone remotely involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia who opens a libel case against him, Mark will ‘mop the f*cking floor with you’. 

‘And just so that you know, my will to ruin you is so great to the extent that I take it personally because, after all, I lost my place in the party and the government because of you. Take me seriously because this is not a game, but very serious business.’


One of Malta’s biggest parks in Birżebbuġa just opened

Mar 23 2023 Share

A massive park in Birżebbuġa for all to enjoy has just been opened and inaugurated by Environment Minister Miriam Dalli. 

With around 17,000 square metres, 4,000 newly planted trees and picnic benches, as well as children’s obstacle courses, the park will welcome anyone wishing to visit in the locality of Birżebbuġa.

The new green space was also opened in association with Project Green, with CEO Steve Ellul exclaiming that he is immensely happy with this long-awaited achievement. 

‘The road to get here was not easy’ wrote Minister Dalli. ‘But we got here together. Instead of a parking for containers and a garbage dump, we now have a beautiful park.’ 

Will you be visiting? 


Ramadan has begun: here’s some facts you should know

Ramadan has begun: here's some facts you should know
Mar 23 2023 Share

On the eve of March 23rd 2023, millions of Muslims around the world began the celebration of the month of Ramadan – all the way to Friday April 21st. 

But what exactly is Ramadan? The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is a worldwide month of sawm (fasting), prayer (salat) and communal gathering. 

The month commemorates Prophet Muhammad’s first revelation and is regarded as one of the five main pillars of Islam. It begins with the first sighting of the crescent moon to the next. 

A predawn meal, known as suhur, kicks off the day before the practitioner fasts from dawn to sunset. The fast is then broken with a nightly feast called the Iftar. 

It is believed by many Muslims that the spiritual rewards (thawab) of fasting are multiplied during the month of Ramadan, with Muslims refraining from  food, drink, tobacco products, sexual relations and other behaviours considered sinful. 

It is much more than just fasting however as Muslims engaged in recitations of the Quran and engage in spiritual reflections, as well as the practice of charity (zakat). Many Muslims donate a larger portion of their yearly zakat during this month.


Vibe FM host Tina Zee receives wedding gift in 10c coins by JD

Vibe FM host Tina Zee receives wedding gift in 10c coins by JD
Mar 23 2023 Share

As Vibe FM host Tina Zee, real name Martina Zammit, prepares for her big wedding day this upcoming weekend, her colleague JD Patrick decided it was time for another of his pranks.


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This time around, JD decided it would be fitting to congratulate Tina by handing her the long-awaited wedding gift – albeit with a twist.

Allying himself with Ashley Eric Peschel as the messenger, her gift was delivered completely in 10c coins, all spread over her recording studio desk. The question is, of course, to how much the coins actually amount to. 

JD is well-known for his pranks on the famous Maltese radio show, especially when it comes to his favourite victim Tina! 

And while we cannot help Tina pick up all those coins, the MaltaDaily team would still like to wish her all the best for her wedding this upcoming Saturday and for her newly wedded life!


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