
Festa Ċitru 2024 Will Be Held Next Sunday at The President’s Kitchen Garden

Festa Ċitru 2024 Will Be Held Next Sunday at The President’s Kitchen Garden
Jan 10 2024 Share

Festa Ċitru will be held next Sunday, 14 January, at The President’s Kitchen Garden in Attard from 10am onwards. As is tradition, oranges and lemons picked from the Presidential Palace gardens and products made from oranges will be sold during the event.

 This morning, the President of Malta George Vella and Mrs Miriam Vella officially launched the fifteenth edition of Festa Ċitru during an activity with students from the Attard primary school and the Victoria Gozo primary school in the citrus orchard of Sant’Anton Palace, which has around six hundred citrus trees, the majority of which are orange trees.

Preparations for Festa Ċitru are also underway in the Kitchen of Sant’Anton Palace as a number of cakes and other confectionery made from oranges are currently being baked to be sold during this event, the proceeds of which will all go to The Malta Community Chest Fund.

This year, olive oil pressed from olives harvested from olive trees in The President’s Kitchen Garden will also be on sale.

In a few words to the students who enthusiastically helped picking the oranges, President George Vella encouraged them to appreciate the work of the gardeners who take care of the citrus trees throughout the year and who are currently picking oranges for Festa Ċitru. The President also reminded the students that Festa Ċitru is another event held throughout the year to raise much-needed funds for The Malta Community Chest Fund to buy medicines, among other things, and to be able to continue helping people in need.


700 Calls In 2023 For Wildlife Team To Help Animals

700 Calls In 2023 For Wildlife Team To Help Animals
Jan 10 2024 Share

Wildlife Rescue Team Malta revealed that, in 2023, a total of 700 calls for wildlife needing help were made – a record with regards to calls.

The most common concerned hedgehogs, with 492 calls. These included abandoned hoglets as well as hedgehogs with various injuries.

The second most common calls concerned bats, with a total of 62 calls and a usual peak in July. Many came due to dehydration, but some also saw cats catching bats. 

The third most common were calls for snakes, which amounted to 55 calls. Only a few were injured, with a majority having just entered houses and needing relocation. 

The 4th most common calls were for sea turtles, with a total of 31 calls. Unfortunately, 13 of these calls were for dead turtles. 

Something new this year were chameleon eggs, with one clutch hatching and released. Have you ever encountered any animals in need of professional support?


13 Teachers Resigned In First 12 Weeks Of Scholastic Year

13 Teachers Resigned In First 12 Weeks Of Scholastic Year
Jan 10 2024 Share

Taking to Facebook, Nationalist MP and Shadow Minster for Education Justin Schembri reported that in the first 12 weeks of this current scholastic year, 13 teachers resigned from their positions. 

6 teachers resigned from their position in a Primary School, along with 7 others from a Middle school, Schembri said. He explained that this information was acquired from a parliamentary question, and accused the government of not arriving at a satisfactory financial package for teachers despite their strike last year. 

Teachers had participated in a union led strike on the 27th November 2023. 

Following Justin’s post, the Nationalist Party backed up their MP by calling for urgent discussions on improved conditions and salaries. 

The government responded, through the education minister, and accused the Opposition of selective quotation and clarifying that all resigned educators were replaced except for one. 

The government reiterated its commitment to substantial salary increases and ongoing negotiations. The PN issued a second response to criticise ‘government incompetence’ and saying that the ongoing uncertainty is putting the sector at risk. 


Authority For Climate Change Set Up By Ministers Cabinet

Authority For Climate Change Set Up By Ministers Cabinet
Jan 10 2024 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela took to social media to announce that the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the setting up of an Authority for Climate Change. 

‘Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of this generation and the effects are massive’, wrote Abela. ‘We need a focused effort so that Malta, even as a small country, can continue to play its part.’

‘At the same time, we approved new environmental schemes for our markets and economy. In the coming days we will be explaining and giving more details.’ 
