A study in Thailand has shown how feeding chickens marijuana instead of the usual antibiotics can not only result into healthier chickens but also make them tastier and more tender.
Researchers from Chiang Mai University’s Department of Animal and Aquatic Sciences started studying the mind blowing prospect once they learned that a weed farm in northern Thailand was feeding their free-range chickens cannabis instead of anti-biotics.
Chompunut Lumsangkul, a professor who is currently leading the study, told Business Insider that the unusual feed seems to be working well. She also went on to explain that the birds’ special food is produced by adding crushed cannabis to their feed and water and that no antibiotics and medicines are fed to or used on the chickens during this time.
Producing healthier and tastier chickens haven’t been the only positives to come out of this experiment, as the farm has been able to sell their chickens for higher prices to buyers searching for organic products. The Thai government has only legalized the sale of cannabis products earlier this month but has limited the amount of THC, the ingredient used to get someone high, in the items to 0.2%.
The product is being referred to as GanjaChicken and it has been confirmed that one cannot get high whilst consuming it. This is because the THC used is metabolized in the chickens body before it is slaughtered, so there will be no traces of THC left for your body to digest.