Fans can book a sleep-over in Monica and Rachel’s apartment recreation

Fans can book a sleep-over in Monica and Rachel’s apartment recreation
May 18 2021 Share

After New Yorkers were treated to ‘The Friends Experience’ which consists of an 18-room pop-up exhibit that allows fans to recreate classic scenes, has teamed up with the organisers to offer an exciting opportunity for fans of the beloved sitcom. Some lucky applicants will be able to spend two sponsored once-in-a-lifetime nights away in Monica and Rachel’s apartment. The price is a merely $19.94, a clever nod to the year the show aired.

The description states that guests will be given the opportunity to sleep over in the set re-creation, along with a late-night game of Pheobe’s car escape room, a FRIENDS treasure hunt even coffee/breakfast in the iconic Central Perk. A private photographer will also be accompanying the guests to recreate iconic moments from the series itself.


Photo Source: Decider, CNN

350 container recycling machines to be distributed by end of 2021

350 container recycling machines to be distributed by end of 2021
May 18 2021 Share

Malta’s Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia announced that by the end of 2021 there will be around 350 recycling machines distributed around the island. These machines will be used to recycle drinking containers, with the Minister encouraging people to register in order for the system to start working effectively.

The system which rewards people with monetary incentives for returning plastic and metal containers was announced by the Environment Minister alongside MRA chief Executive Anthony Rizzo. Plans regarding construction waste will also be addressed in the coming weeks, along with an agreement concerning reconstituted stone.


Photo Source: Shutterstock, Aaron Farrugia FB

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2 COVID-19 cases registered with 21 recoveries

May 18 2021 Share

Malta has registered 2 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 1,693 swab tests, while 21 patients have recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Tuesday 18th May 2021, 430,508 vaccine doses were administered of which 286,709 were 1st doses. 147,667 people are currently fully vaccinated.

To date, Malta has registered 30,486 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 29,941 have recovered, 417 died and 128 are still active.


Photo Source: Charmaine Gauci FB

ESC Daily says Malta’s Destiny is a clear jury winner following amazing rehearsal

ESC Daily says Malta’s Destiny is a clear jury winner following amazing rehearsal
May 18 2021 Share

Malta’s Eurovision 2021 ambassador Destiny Chukunyere has stuck out throughout the entire rehearsal process, with ESC Daily stating that she was a ‘clear winner in Jury Rehearsal Semi 1.’ The Jury were baffled with Destiny’s performance, with reports adding that the ‘Maltese delegation made her aware of the fact that this is when it matters most. As the song progresses, Destiny flows even more.’

Destiny was praised for being a prototype of a jury friendly performer through her big voice, strong vocal control and long list of talent shows. Showing through professionalism with a stunning performance, her rehearsal will be transitioning to the live and first semi-final tonight Tuesday 18th May 2021 in Rotterdam.


Photo Source: CDE News

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