Many think that Nike’s logo is check mark but in actuality, it represents a single wing. And not just any wing but the wing of Greek goddess of victory Nike… hence the name. The name hints at the brand’s suggestion that wearing Nike leads to victory itself.
Starbucks’s logo is represented by a twin-tailed siren that suggests desire to their coffee. Sirens were beautiful mythical creatures which lured men to a drowning death. Despite not drowning people in coffee, the brand hits at their products being immensely desirable.
Goodyear is an American tire manufacturing company which hints at its transportation enhancing services through the winged sandal. The footwear belonged to Hermes, Greek deity of travel and messengers – boding safe travels to all who use their tyres to roam around.
Should Versace’s logo have actual mystical power, we would all be turned to stone. This is because the fashion company uses the head of Medusa, a Gorgon who turned people to stone whenever they looked at her. The intention was to make those who used their products as being so enamoured with them that they would be forever bound to it.
Ajax pops up in multiple logos – whether it be the Amsterdam Football Club or the popular detergent brand. The name makes reference to Ajax, a Greek hero who fought in the Trojan War who fought on the side of the Greeks. Well, at least that’s what one Ajax did – Ajax the Great. Ajax the Lesser was also another separate figure from Greek myth.
The connections between the myth and the broadcasting network’s logo are rather vague, but quite noticeable. According to myth, Greek goddess Hera had a monster with hundreds of eyes. After Hermes killed the monster, Argus, Hera took his eyes and spread them onto a peacock’s feathers. Thus, the broadcasting network casts its vision on every story it addresses similar to how Argus could see everything.
The name for the Danish jewellery manufacturer brand makes reference to a particular myth from Greek mythology about a woman created solely to punish humanity. There are multiple renditions of the story, but the general outline explains how she was created by the gods and subsequently opened a jar which contained all the evils of the world.