3,800 new Blue Badges were issued throughout last year, with 2,000 others receiving an extension. Minister for Inclusion Julie Farrugia Portelli said that as from March, the scheme will be administered by the Aġenzija Sapport with the aim of assuring that the Kummissjoni għad-Drittijiet tal-Persuni b’Diżabilita will administer its functions as regulator.
Speaking with tvmnews, the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities Samantha Pace Gasan revealed the challenges and the abuses investigated by this scheme. She highlighted how the most common abuses unveiled by the commission regarding the Blue Badge were false copies of badges used by family members of those with disabilities.
The copying of the Blue Badge, which issued for a person with disabilities who experience severe mobility problems, is illegal because it is a legal document which cannot be replicated.
Pace Gasan appealed through the interview for everyone to keep in mind that certain Blue Badge conditions are invisible. She said that at face value some may be making misuse of the badge, but the truth is that their disability is not evident and therefore there should be a greater awareness in regards to this issue.
The Minister said the process will be simplified as from march as applications for the badge will be administer by the Aġenzija Sapport. The application will only be under one entity and enforcement will be strengthened.