
F Living caller voices concerns over Malta’s current COVID-19 situation

Mar 10 2021 Share

A disgruntled F Living caller put everything on the table when she expressed her concern with regards to the current COVID-19 situation in Malta and the record-breaking 510 overnight cases.

A disgruntled F Living caller put everything on the table when she expressed her concern with regards to the current…

Posted by Malta Daily on Wednesday, 10 March 2021

In a programme with Karl Bonaci and Silvio Parnis, the woman stated that despite being a Labour supporter, she cannot stand anymore calls to stay positive as cases continues to rise.

She went on to state that she has been isolating at home since January of 2020 and feels that Robert Abela and his government are digging their own grave through their handling of the current COVID-19 situation.


Frontline worker exhausted and demands further sacrifice to mitigate COVID-19

Mar 10 2021 Share

Johan Briffa, a frontline worker, takes to FaceBook to express his concerns about the current situation Malta finds itself in with 510 new COVID-19 cases and a spreading virus variant. In a short but powerful post accompanied with photos of himself working as front-liner, Briffa exclaims that he and his fellow colleagues have been tired out by the lack of responsibility.

Bazwartuna !! Issa capcpulna. Mhux ghax iddejjaqna li tirringrazzjawna, imma ma tistawx tirringrazzjawna minghajr ma…

Posted by Johan Briffa on Wednesday, 10 March 2021

He says that praising their work is not enough if no one is actually respecting the measures being imposed. He even critiques the finger pointing as to who caused the current situation and emphasises looking inwards at what mistakes the ones pointing actually made. He ends the statement by exclaiming that without sacrifice, the situation will either stay the same or worsen, and when everything crumbles, people will be left with no choice but to cry helplessly as it will be too late.


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‘Doctors now have to choose who will live and who will die’ claims MUMN President

Mar 10 2021 Share

MUMN President Paul Pace has recently told The Malta Independent that doctors will now be forced to decide who will live and who will die. This statement emerges as the number of COVID-19 cases surges higher and reaches up to 510. Pace exclaimed to the The Malta Independent his favour for a lockdown measure and critiqued the choices made which brought Malta to this context in terms of COVID-19.

Pace expressed his concerns with scientific backing as to what the repercussions would entail should Malta not go into a lockdown. He even told the sources that the current mitigation measures did not produce the desired effect and the restrictions required are those which other countries ‘were not afraid to make’. With 5 ITUs open and full, Pace exclaimed that the current strain on healthcare system will force who gets the care and who will have to suffer and die.


Two intensive care units opened and filled up in past 2 days

Mar 10 2021 Share

With Malta seeing an influx of COVID-19 cases, having just reached the 510 mark, Mater Dei has opened 2 new ITUS in the past 2 days. The third one ITU opened today brings up the total to 5 in operation, as patients fill up the wards and healthcare workers struggle to deal with all those needing critical care. Times of Malta confirmed that the unit was opened up for use on Tuesday.

Sources from the healthcare system told Times of Malta that the ITUS cannot run by themselves and it requires specialised workers. With other patients suffering from other conditions needing critical care, the influx of patients is weighing heavily on the workers. The Association of Anaesthetists of Malta also claimed that the fifth ITU was practically filled up after just opening.
