Of all the Maltese citizens to go viral in the past few months, self-proclaimed ‘Master Trouble’ Mark Grima has solidified himself as the ultimate spokesperson of pandemic responsibility after posting a video appealing to the public to remain safe as the COVID-19 pandemic persists in Malta.
Joining Peter Carbonaro and Claire Preca Taroum on our second episode of Ċoom Boom, Mark recalls the trials and tribulations of his life, highlighting particular social media issues he would come across when posting certain explicit photos which characterise his trademark spontaneous character.
Amongst other life-changing experiences, Mark also mentions his battle with drug addiction, going on to praise the Caritas Community Centre and the help he found during the programme, suggesting it to anyone who may be going through the same problems. He went on to state how such issues sparked suicidal thoughts in him because he believed he was becoming a burden to everyone around him, eventually toppling this critical state of mind.
You can see this and much more on Malta Daily’s latest episode of Ċoom Boom, which you can watch here: