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Ex-Spider Man director would love to make a fourth film with Tobey Maguire

Ex-Spider Man director would love to make a fourth film with Tobey Maguire
Apr 7 2022 Share

The iconic Marvel director Sam Raimi, who was at the helm of the first classic Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire, expressed interest in making a fourth instalment of the franchise after so many years. 

The comments, which are sure to get Marvel and Spidey fans up in a frenzy, told entertainment outlets that he would love to continue telling the story of that Spider-Man universe. 

Raimi is often considered the godfather of the modern superhero blockbuster following his work on the Maguire trilogy. And after the [SPOILER ALERT] appearance of Tobey Maguire in ‘No Way Home’, it seems as though some flames were rekindled.

He said that he loves Tobey, and that he loves Kirsten Dunst, who played Mary Jane in the original trilogy. ‘I think all things are possible’ he said.

Raimi is currently the director for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and expressed how directing in the MCU is like playing with the world’s best toy box. He said that following No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness, any team up is possible in the MCU. 

He did admit that he had no story in mind as of yet for the fourth film, or whether or not Marvel is even interested. But a fourth film had been in the works following Spider-Man 3, so some material could be readily available. 

No Way Home proved to be a massive success after it had the sixth-highest box office grossing of all time, bringing together current Spider-Man Tom Holland alongside Maguire and other beloved Peter Parker actor Andrew Garfield. 


Janice Chetcuti gives up casual election to make way for other PN candidates

Janice Chetcuti gives up casual election to make way for other PN candidates
Apr 7 2022 Share

Nationalist Party candidate Janice Chetcuti has decided to drop out of the casual election race on the third district so as to allow other contestants a chance at a seat in parliament. 

Chetcuti explained in a Facebook post that she would still make it into parliament through the gender quota and will therefore allow the seat vacated by Stephen Spiteri to be filled up by one of three remaining candidates. These are John Baptist Camilleri, Errol Cutajar or Carm Mifsud Bonnici. The PN has three MPs from the third district. 

She explained how ‘out of loyalty to the Nationalist party and to all the constituents that form part of the third district, and after much thought I have decided not to contest the casual elections to maximise the use of votes in the third district as a party, thus electing three representatives.’ 

Chetcuti ranks at the top of the PN’s list of female candidates after getting the largest percentage of the quota. She will therefore be one of the six women to make it to parliament through the new gender parity mechanism. She managed to get 2,687 votes, which is around 75% of the quota.

At the last count, Baptist Camilleri had 1,634 votes, Cutajar had 476 votes and Mifsud Bonnici had 1,122 votes. 


Boris Johnson says transgender women should not compete in women’s sport

Boris Johnson says transgender women should not compete in women’s sport
Apr 7 2022 Share

The UK Prime Minister has sparked some outrage after he said that he does not believe transgender women should be able to compete in female sporting events. 

He conceded that he knew many deemed this view controversial, with the resurfacing of the issue taking new charge after the case of transgender cyclist Emily Bridges. 

Bridges was recently ruled as ineligible to compete in her first elite women’s race by cycling’s world world governing body. Speaking on several sex and gender related topics, Johnson made the following remark; 

‘I don’t think biological males should be competing in female sporting events. Maybe that’s a controversial thing to say, but it just seems to me to be sensible.’

He went on to say that he thinks women should have spaces which are dedicated to them – whether they be hospitals, prisons or changing rooms. ‘That’s as far my thinking has developed on this issue.’

He went on to say that if this position puts him in conflict with some others, then ‘we have got to work it all out.’ Johnson emphasised that this does not mean that he is not sympathetic to people who want to change gender and said it is vital people are given maximum love and support through such decisions. 

In response, LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall said that ‘Trans people deserve the same opportunities as everyone else to enjoy the benefits of sport and blanket exclusions on trans people participating are fundamentally unfair.’

‘Sport has the unique power to bring us together and it’s important trans people have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sport without facing exclusion or abuse’ it concluded. 


Wagyu is expanding its flavours to Mellieha next week

Wagyu is expanding its flavours to Mellieha next week
Apr 7 2022 Share

Wagyu is a well-known eating hub, bringing us Asian Fusion right at the heart of Valletta. Now, the brand will be expanding to Mellieha, to make sure we have more of their delicious grub!

Wagyu will be opening its new establishment in Mellieha next Monday as they finish up the remaining details to continue serving the fan favourite dishes. 

Wagyu offers a private dining area for 12 people, all with an exclusive candle-lit dining. It’s already established hub in Valletta overlooks the capital city’s well-known architecture and social life. 

And don’t get us started on the food – Wagyu Burgers as well as Ramen, Sushi and of course the rounding up of taste buds with fresh cocktails. 

The options are vast and open to serve everyone, no matter what dietary preferences they may have. Wagyu will undoubtedly be launching off its success to welcome more guests to their tables for delectable dining. 

So save the date – Monday 11th April 2022 – to book your spot in recently opened Wagyu Mellieha. We sure can’t wait to dig in into some passionately served meals. 
