Taking to social media, former prime minister Joseph Muscat praised the newly presented Budget 2023.
Muscat highlighted how not only is the budget for next year is forecasting no increases to energy prices, but the general content of the budget also indicates raises and financial aid to various groups and individuals in Maltese society.
Muscat said that the Maltese government has done more than any other government in the European Union.
‘That’s how strong this budget is’ said the former Prime Minister. ‘And yet the Finance Minister continued to push the innovative tradition which the Labour Government began in not increasing taxes but instead including new social measures.
Muscat then went ahead to forecast some possible challenges to emerge from the budget. Firstly, the government should be careful not to let the stability in taxes be taken for granted by families and businesses.
‘The critique by the opposition of a ‘cosmetic’ budget is simplistic and can be effective for those who do not realise the immense effort put into keeping taxes at this level. What can be done?
‘Effective immediately, the government should consider sending a letter with every bill indicating how much they would have to pay were this intervention not be in place.’
The second challenge, Muscat said, is to continue the economic growth. ‘Social budgets of this kind can only be possible if the economy continues to grow. That the bills don’t increase is the largest motivation, around which more proposals for economic growth should be centred.’