Ex-Big Brother Malta Contestants Sticking Close!

Ex-Big Brother Malta Contestants Sticking Close!
Mar 13 2025 Share

In a post shared to social media, Big Brother Malta contestants who were evicted from the house posed for a photo showing that they’re sticking close despite being evicted!


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A post shared by Raisa Camilleri (@camilleri.raisa)

Raisa, Kyle, Claire, Donna, Dwayne and Matthias huddled around a sofa – uncannily similar to an episode of FRIENDS.

‘Can you tell we laughed A LOT’, Raisa captioned the post. #theevictedones was one of the hashtags in the caption.

Do you think any of them deserved to stay in the house?


Ira Is Officially Head Of Household

Ira Is Officially Head Of Household
Mar 13 2025 Share

Ira has officially been announced as the new Head of House in Big Brother Malta.

The vote came from the public, and Ira took the lead to take charge of the house and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Do you think Ira will make a good HoH?


‘A Death In Malta’ Ranks In The Times’ Best True Crime Books

'A Death In Malta' Ranks In The Times' Best True Crime Books
Mar 13 2025 Share

Paul Caruana Galizia’s book ‘A Death in Malta’ has just ranked among the Top 10 True Crime books by The Times.

The book, which details the assassination of the author’s mother, Daphne Caruana Galizia, ranked in 10th place, with the news portal writing:


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A post shared by Paul Caruana Galizia (@paulcaga)

‘This deeply affecting book is about the assassination of the author’s mother, Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was Malta’s most famous investigative reporter.’

‘It’s a book that no son should ever have had to write, but essential in understanding the corruption that led to her murder’.


Local Tattooist Pranks Grandma With PN Logo Tattoo

Local Tattooist Pranks Grandma With PN Logo Tattoo
Mar 13 2025 Share

In a video shared to TikTok, tattoo artist Maya Fenech decided to prank her latest client – who happened to be her grandmother – by replacing the design she actually wanted.

And what were the designs you may ask? Well, dear old grandma wanted the Labour torch tattooed on her leg, but Maya decided to have some fun with it.

She covered the tattoo transfer paper of the actual tattoo with the Nationalist Party logo and stuck it to her grandma’s foot.

She then asked her to go take a peek in the mirror. At first, her grandma remained oblivious to what Maya had just done, but once she eventually caught on, she humorously lashed out.

‘Remove it or I’ll kill you’, her grandma joked as Maya cried with laughter. The video amassed a whopping 41.2K views on TikTok, with comments piling in to express how much they loved granny’s energy.

Maya also took a moment to explain ahead of the video that the video is not intended to offend anyone, given how deeply some people feel about their political affiliation.


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