The exciting new project ‘The Unconventional Office’ has just dropped its first episode today and this innovative take has set the bar for what is in store for interviews and music on the island!
All centred around a Volkswagen T25, the new platform is the brainchild of Neo Borg Bonaci and will be driving (literally) more awareness about all the talented individuals on the Maltese islands (and maybe even beyond…)!
The first episode features Yasmin Kuymizakis, better known as ‘Joon’, being interviewed by MaltaDaily’s very own Daniel Briffa, a.k.a DJ Debrii.
For this episode, Debrii dives with Joon into what inspires her to make music, her taste in sound as well as all her successes and place in the music scene.
Joon is also part of a Los Angeles based record label called Italians Do It Better, being the first Maltese music artist to be featured on such a massive platform. She is also the founder of Malta Sound Women Network which promotes and educates women and girls in electronic music and sound.
If this first episode is anything to go by, Neo and his team have built a space which is ready to revolutionise how we get to know artists in the local scene and give this realm of art the boost it truly deserves.
This project is supported by @artscouncilmalta and @insynkcollective and is in media partnership with @maltadaily.mt.