MEP Cyrus Engerer has been appointed the Socialists and Democrats negotiator on the Rule of Law in the European Union and it’s Member States in 2023.
“During the past years I have worked on a number of resolutions dealing with the Rule of Law in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Malta, while I have represented the European Parliament in meetings with the constitutional courts of Germany and Czechia and next week will be in meetings witht he Courts and other institutions in Washington DC, in the United States and Ottawa in Canada. Therefore, I am honoured to have been chosen at the end of this mandate to work on the report on the situation of the Rule of Law in the European Union this year”, Engerer said.
Engerer said that the monitoring of Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights is important to the European Union, as these represent the criteria needed for any country to join the European Union in the first place, known as the Copenhagen Criteria.
“Ever Member State of the European Union is monitored every year by the European Commission. Unfortunately, in the European Union, the biggest political group tires to hold back from debates on countries that have Rule of Law deficiencies simply because their Governments are of the same political famiy. Therefore, this report will be looking at all European Union Member States and the general situation of the Rule of Law in Europe”, Engerer stated.
A few months ago, Prime Minister Robert Abela praised Engerer’s work on the Rule of Law in the European Parliament during a Labour Party activity marking the fourth year of this European Parliament legislature.