According to a newly released survey of 415 businesses, commissioned by the Chamber for Small and Medium Businesses, employee shortage and rising inflation are the two main concerns being faced by small and medium businesses.
Employee shortage registered the highest score in terms of concern, followed by increase in inflation and then issues with late payments, unfair competition and skills mismatch respectively.
The lowest concerns were the weakening of the euro and environmental compliance, followed by an access to supplies.
Meanwhile, when asked which two biggest issues the country is facing and the businesses would wish the government address, respondents replied with ‘increase in inflation’, followed by lack of good governance.
65% of businesses thought that Malta needs to rethink the direction it is heading, with 35% thinking Malta is moving in the right direction.
In terms of size, 56% registered 1 to 9 employees, followed by 29% with 10 to 49 employees. This was followed by 13.5% at 50 to 249 employees and 1.5% for 249+.
53% off businesses are in the retail, import, distribution and wholesale line of business, followed by manufacturing, construction, machinery and production at 17%.
Professional services followed in third place at 15%, whereas education, training & schools came last at just 5%.