Ellen DeGeneres to end her show in 2022

Ellen DeGeneres to end her show in 2022
May 13 2021 Share

Having kicked off back in 2008, ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ will be airing its final season in 2022, with the host stating that she is no longer being challenged creatively. Now 63-years-old, Ellen stated that ‘when you’re a creative person, you constantly need to be challenged – and as great as this show is, and as fun as it is, its just not a challenge anymore’. There have been more than 3000 episodes throughout the whopping 18 season run, with Ellen sitting down with Oprah on an upcoming episode to discuss the end.

Warner Bros unscripted TV President Mike Darnell stated that ‘Ellen was and is an indelible piece of the television landscape, and it will be sorely missed.’ DeGeneres commented on the end stating that ‘Look, its going to be really hard on the last day, but I also know its time.’ Despite not having any set plans for her immediate future, Ellen did not completely rule out returning to sitcoms or movies.

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Photo Source: BBC

Dean Gera Salons offering free haircuts for 21 people seeking employment

Dean Gera Salons offering free haircuts for 21 people seeking employment
May 13 2021 Share

As Malta gets back onto its feet following the quasi-lockdown, Dean Gera Salons has took it upon itself to offer free haircuts to 21 people currently seeking employment. The wonderful gesture is aimed at easing the stress that comes with approaching a new employment opportunity which, with the advent of COVID-19, was made even more stressful.

The 21 for ’21 project is aimed at raising job applicants’ confidence for their interview. ‘We can tackle that root regrowth or smarten up those strangely ends so that you can focus on communicating what you can bring to their company’s table’ says the company. The iconic brand has been around since 2007, with founder Dean making big leaps in the business through his skill in the craft.


Photo Source: Dean Gera FB

International Viking cruise liners making home-port in Malta

International Viking cruise liners making home-port in Malta
May 13 2021 Share

Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection Clayton Bartolo announced that two cruise-liners from the international ‘Viking’ brand will be home-porting from Malta’s Port il-Kbir. Starting from July 2021, the ‘Viking Sea’ and ‘Viking Venus’ will establish our port as its launch to 11 other destinations throughout the Mediterranean. These two ships will sailing to Croatia, Greece and Italy, as well as Gozo.

Vaccinated American tourists are expected to undergo such voyage on said cruise-liners, contributing greatly to Malta’s tourism and economic sectors. The Minister announced the news during a press conference, and stated that these ships adhere to high level safety protocols, with crew and passengers being submitted to non-invasive saliva PCR test given the advent of COVID-19. This is only the beginning, remarked Bartolo, as the Maltese government will continue to seek other cruise-liners to establish their starting voyage points from Malta.


Photo Source: Crew Center, Clayton Bartolo FB

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400,000 vaccines officially administered in Malta as cases drop significantly

400,000 vaccines officially administered in Malta as cases drop significantly
May 13 2021 Share

Malta has officially administered over 400,000 vaccines to its public, making herd immunity a very close goal indeed. 400,118 vaccines were administered in total today, of which 272,025 were first doses. Malta currently has 130,537 people vaccinated, with the vaccine rollout extending to over-16s next week. The active and daily cases have also dropped significantly, proving that the vaccine rollout met its intended goal.

With only 4 cases reported today and the number of active cases dropping beneath 200, health authorities have started to ease measures as the return to normalcy becomes more tangible. The vaccination rollout has also eased the tension on health care systems in Malta, but COVID-19 is still a very real threat. Authorities therefore remind the public to keep adhering to the health restrictions remaining so as to keep numbers low.


Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB, Twitter