
Electricity Outage Threatens Milk Supply In Malta

Jul 25 2023 Share

Malta Dairy Products Ltd., the cherished provider of 100% fresh Maltese milk, is facing a daunting challenge due to an unexpected electricity outage at its factory. As a result, the company is struggling to maintain its regular milk production levels, leading to potential shortages of certain products on store shelves in the days ahead.

Despite having backup generators in place, the power cuts at the Malta Dairy Products factory have thrown a wrench in their milk production machinery. This unexpected disruption in production has created a temporary setback in the supply chain.

Adding to their woes, the company is also grappling with a natural decrease in milk production from their local cows. The scorching and arid weather conditions have left the cows producing less milk, a phenomenon that occurs every summer.


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Barbie Vs. Oppenheimer Part 2! Which Side Of Barbenheimer are these local personalities on?

Barbie Vs. Oppenheimer Part 2! Which Side Of Barbenheimer are these local personalities on?
Jul 25 2023 Share

In light of the current Barbenheimer phenomenon, where Barbie and Oppenheimer face off in an epic showdown, Maltese personalities find themselves torn between these two larger-than-life characters. Readers of the first edition were thrilled by the unexpected clash, which has prompted us to return with an even more thrilling Part Two.


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This time around, we have collected the opinion of a few members of our team, in addition to some prominent personalities in Malta, to bring you a mix of different opinions as two of the biggest films in recent history face off.

Will Barbie’s charm and elegance win the day, or will Oppenheimer’s intellect and cunning prove unbeatable?

With Oppenheimer set to hit cinemas very soon as Barbie currently sits pretty on top of the local box office, what a time to be alive for film buffs around the world.

Are you a Barbie or Oppenheimer kind of person?


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Bernard Grech Calls On PM To Declare National Emergency

Bernard Grech Calls On PM To Declare National Emergency
Jul 25 2023 Share

Bernard Grech has urged Prime Minister Robert Abela to take immediate action by declaring a state of national emergency to effectively respond to the ongoing power outage crisis in the country. During a press conference held in Birżebbuġa, near the Delimara power plant, Grech, along with MP Mark Anthony Sammut, called on the government to mobilize all available resources, including the army and police, to address the situation.

He emphasized the need for efficient communication channels to assist people facing water and energy-related problems. Grech also suggested making unaffected public buildings accessible to those who are left without electricity due to the power cuts.

Several localities have experienced continuous power outages, impacting water supply in certain areas as well. Grech stressed that the situation constitutes a national crisis and an emergency that requires urgent attention from the government. He pointed out the dire situation at the public hospital, Mater Dei, which lacked electricity and a functional generator during the power outage, highlighting the government’s failure to adequately invest in both the energy and health sectors.

Grech emphasized that now is the time for the government to provide compensation and assistance to the affected people. He had previously written to the government and the Speaker of the House, urging them to hold an urgent parliamentary session to address the consecutive outages and the national crisis.


4 Persons Died Over The Weekend: Hyperthermia & Dehydration Main Causes

4 Persons Died Over The Weekend: Hyperthermia & Dehydration Main Causes
Jul 25 2023 Share

An official Government reply to a Malta Daily question, informed us that, over the past weekend, 1 person died of hyperthermia and 3 other persons died of dehydration.

On the other hand, multiple sources that spoke to Malta Daily are also claiming that more people passed away with similar causes of death during the past few hours, however this has not been confirmed nor denied by any official source from Government or the Health Department.

Other local news portals have reported that people passed away due to the heatwave conditions that are hitting Malta.

Elevated temperatures extend beyond mere discomfort, posing severe risks to human health and even carrying the potential for fatality. Research reveals that among all natural calamities, extreme heat stands as the most lethal, claiming more lives than the combined toll of hurricanes and tornadoes.

This alarming fact underscores the critical importance of recognising and addressing the health implications associated with high temperatures.
