You’re not alone if you’ve been corrected as to how to actually say Billie Eilish’s last name or the new COVID-19 variant title.
Both have made it to a list of 2021’s most mispronounced words, with a survey amassing which words and names were trickiest for anyone to utter.

The list was compiled by the US Captioning Company, whose job is to provide subtitles for live events on TV and courtrooms. So they know a thing or two about pronunciation.
The COVID variant, for instance, is supposed to be pronounced ‘OH-mee-kraan’ or ‘AH-muh-kran’ (try it!) and depends on whether you’re in the UK and US.
As for the pop star’s name, it’s supposed to be uttered as ‘EYE-lish’, as many were attempting to twist the surname according to what they deemed more probable.
Other words which suffered the wrath of mispronunciation were Dogecoin (DOHJ-coin), the cryptocurrency made popular by Elon Musk, Glasgow (GLAHZ-go), which was mispronounced by both Biden and Obama, and Yassify (YEAH-sih-fai) a popular beauty filter trend.
2020’s batch of mispronounced words included Anthony Fauci’s last name (spelled FOW-chee) and US Vice President’s first name (CAW-ma-la).
Photo Source: World Meteorological Organisation, Medium