Education minister claims that we will not run out of teachers

Oct 14 2020 Share

As cases have been reaching record highs and unions across Malta have been appealing for tighter measures and restrictions, Employment and Education Minister Owen Bonnici attempt to put the public’s mind to rest.

The Minister stated that schools have been following all the necessary guidelines and assured the public that there will not be a teacher shortage.


Doctors speak out against ‘irresponsible’ government: predict COVID-19 situation will get worse

Oct 14 2020 Share

The Malta Association of Public Health Medicine has spoke out against the irresponsible actions of the government with respect to COVID-19 measures and restrictions, reporting that health services are being exhausted.

The association warned that the situation will get worse, shortly after the country registered a record 563 cases in one week.


Immigrants relocated from Malta to Germany

Oct 14 2020 Share

Earlier today, a group group of immigrants were relocated from Malta to Germany following an agreement between the two countries.

The news of relocation comes only a few weeks after another group of immigrants left Malta for France.

These relocations are being co-ordinated by the European Commission, part of an initiative aimed at mitigating the burden of immigration imposed on Malta.


Cases reach all-time high once again with a record amount of 111 cases

Oct 14 2020 Share

Malta has reached the highest-ever amount of active cases at 940 after the Health Ministry announced a record-high amount of 111 cases in 1 day.

The island now stands at 940 total active cases out of 4,048 cases.
