Addressing a press conference, Minister for Education Justyne Caruana announced the new health protocols going into the new 2021/2022 scholastic year. Classes for children from year 8 and down can return to school whilst adhering to 1 meter-and-a-half distance due to this group not being able to receive the jab. Classes of children from year 9 and up will also return to school, with social distance reduced to just 1 metre due to the rollout of jabs being successful.
Practical classes, field work and physical education will also return alongside the celebration of student birthdays, given that health measures are adhered to. This will occur through the concept of bubbles. Tuck shops can re-open, given they serve only pre-packaged products. For the initial period of reopening, parents/guardians cannot enter the school but this may change given further updates by authorities. Assemblies can also occur given they adhere to regulations with the minister revealing that talks are in place about graduation ceremonies. All protocols and exact details are to be published on governmental and health websites and social media platforms.

Photo Source: Justyne Caruana FB